“Für die Aksing -Frage zwischen dem Video” Code-Antworten

Für die Aksing -Frage zwischen dem Video

<h1>Ask a question at a given point in a video</h1>

<p>The question is displayed after 10 seconds, if the answer given is correct (i.e. "Wikipedia"), the video continues, if not it starts again from the beginning</p>

<video id = "myVideo" controls>
 <source src = "http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/html/html5-video/videos/state-of-wikipedia-480x272.mp4">
 <source src = "http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/html/html5-video/videos/state-of-wikipedia-480x272.webm">
Aman Chauhan

Für die Aksing -Frage zwischen dem Video

// First identify the video in the DOM
var myVideo = document.getElementById ("myVideo");
myVideo.ontimeupdate = function () {
 // Remove the decimal numbers from the time
 var currentTime = Math.floor (myVideo.currentTime);
 if (currentTime == 10) {
 myVideo.pause ();
 // Ask the question with a promt
 var r = prompt ("What is the video about?");
 // check the answer
 if (r.toLowerCase () == "wikipedia") {
 myVideo.currentTime = 11; // Add a second otherwise the question will be displayed again;
 myVideo.play ();
 } else {
 myVideo.currentTime = 0; // Put the video back to 0;
 myVideo.play ();
Aman Chauhan

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