“Konvertieren Sie C in JavaScript” Code-Antworten

Konvertieren Sie C in JavaScript

C               | JS
 int x;          | var x;
 int xs[n];      | var xs = [];
 printf(...)     | console.log(...)
 int f (int x) { | function f (x) {
   ...           |   ...
   return y;     |   return y;
 }               | }
The remaining syntax from your post is almost identical in C and JS.

Press F12 in your browser (Chrome or Firefox) and have some fun with JavaScript ​in the "Console" tab, it's a good starting point :-) For example, copy paste the below code into the browser console and press ENTER.

function add (a, b) {
  return a + b;
console.log("1 + 1 =", add(1, 1));
add(1, 2);
Akshay Vs

Konvertieren Sie C in JavaScript

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    long long int n1,n2,i,j=0;
    scanf("%lld %lld",&n1,&n2);
    return 0;
Annoying Armadillo

Konvertieren Sie C in JavaScript

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct CCB
	int so;
	int cao;
	struct CCB *trai, *phai;

int max(int a, int b)
	if (a > b)
	   return a;
		return b;   
int chieuCao(struct CCB *N)
	if (N == NULL)
		return 0;
	return N->cao;

int layCanBang(struct CCB *N)
	if (N == NULL)
		return 0;
	return chieuCao(N->trai) - chieuCao(N->phai);

struct CCB* nutNhoNhat(struct CCB *N)
	struct CCB* p = N;	 
	/* Tim nut trai nhat */

	while (p->trai != NULL)
		p = p->trai;
	return p;

struct CCB *quayPhai(struct CCB *y)
	struct CCB *x = y->trai;
	struct CCB *T2 = x->phai;

	x->phai = y;
	y->trai = T2;

	y->cao = max(chieuCao(y->trai), chieuCao(y->phai))+1;
	x->cao = max(chieuCao(x->trai), chieuCao(x->phai))+1;

	return x;

struct CCB *quayTrai(struct CCB *x)
	struct CCB *y = x->phai;
	struct CCB *T2 = y->trai;

	y->trai = x;
	x->phai = T2;

	x->cao = max(chieuCao(x->trai), chieuCao(x->phai))+1;
	y->cao = max(chieuCao(y->trai), chieuCao(y->phai))+1;
	return y;

struct CCB* them(struct CCB *goc, int x)
	/* 1.  Thuc hien them vao cay tim kiem nhi phan */
	if (goc == NULL)
       goc = (struct CCB*) malloc(sizeof(struct CCB));
       goc->so = x;
       goc->cao = 1;
       goc->trai = goc->phai = NULL;
       return goc;
	   if (x < goc->so)
		goc->trai = them(goc->trai, x);
	   else if (x > goc->so)
		goc->phai = them(goc->phai, x);
	   else // Trùng khóa, không thêm 
		return goc;

	/* 2. Cap nhat chieu cao */
	goc->cao = 1 + max(chieuCao(goc->trai), chieuCao(goc->phai));

	/* 3. Kiem tra can bang */

	int cb = layCanBang(goc);

	// Xet 4 truong hop khong can bang

	// Truong hop Trai-Trai
	if (cb > 1 && x < goc->trai->so)
		return quayPhai(goc);

	// Truong hop Phai-Phai
	if (cb < -1 && x > goc->phai->so)
		return quayTrai(goc);

	// Truong hop Trai-Phai
	if (cb > 1 && x > goc->trai->so)
		goc->trai = quayTrai(goc->trai);
		return quayPhai(goc);
	// Truung hop Phai-Trai
	if (cb < -1 && x < goc->phai->so)
		goc->phai = quayPhai(goc->phai);
		return quayTrai(goc);
	return goc;

struct CCB* xoa(struct CCB* goc, int x) 
	// 1: Xoa nhu tren cay tim kiem nhi phan 

	if (goc == NULL) 
		return goc;
	if (x < goc->so) 
		goc->trai = xoa(goc->trai, x); 
		if(x > goc->so) 
			goc->phai = xoa(goc->phai, x); 
		else //Xoa nut goc
			// nut goc khong co 2 nut con khac rong 
			if( (goc->trai == NULL) || (goc->phai == NULL) ) 
				struct CCB *temp = goc->trai ? goc->trai:goc->phai; 

				// Khong co nut con 
				if (temp == NULL) 
					temp = goc; 
					goc = NULL; 
				else // Co 1 nut con 
					*goc = *temp; // Copy nut khong rong len nut goc 
			{ 	// nut co 2 nut con: 
				// lay nut co khoa nho nhat o cay con phai
				struct CCB* temp = nutNhoNhat(goc->phai); 
				// Copy du lieu tu temp lên goc 
				goc->so = temp->so; 

				// Xoa nut temp nam o cay con phai nut goc 
				goc->phai = xoa(goc->phai, temp->so); 
		// Neu cay co 1 nut thi dung 
		if (goc == NULL) 
			return goc;

		// 2: Cap nhat chieu cao cua nut 
		goc->cao = 1 + max(chieuCao(goc->trai), chieuCao(goc->phai)); 

		// 3: Lay he so can bang
		int cb = layCanBang(goc); 

		// Xet 4 truong hop khong can bang 
		// Truong hop Trai-Trai 

	if (cb > 1 && layCanBang(goc->trai) >= 0)
		return quayPhai(goc);

	// Truong hop Trai-Phai 

	if (cb > 1 && layCanBang(goc->trai) < 0)
		goc->trai = quayTrai(goc->trai);
		return quayPhai(goc); 

	// Truong hop Phai-Phai 
	if (cb < -1 && layCanBang(goc->phai) <= 0) 
		return quayTrai(goc); 

	// Truong hop Phai-Trai 
	if (cb < -1 && layCanBang(goc->phai) > 0) 
		goc->phai = quayPhai(goc->phai); 
		return quayTrai(goc); 

	return goc; 

	struct CCB *goc = NULL;
	int i, k, n = 100000;
	for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
		goc = them(goc, i);
	printf("Chieu cao cay: %d\n",goc->cao);
	for(i=1; i<=n/2; i++)
		k = rand();
		goc = xoa(goc, i);
	printf("Chieu cao cay sau khi xoa: %d\n",goc->cao);

Puzzled Penguin

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