“Zähler mit Redux” Code-Antworten

Zähler mit Redux

counter with redux
Grumpy Gannet

Nachdem er einen Gegensatz mit Redux geschrieben hat, wie funktioniert er

const INCREMENT = "INCREMENT"; // define a constant for increment action types
const DECREMENT = "DECREMENT"; // define a constant for decrement action types

// define the counter reducer which will increment or decrement the state based on the action it receives
const counterReducer = (state = 0, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case INCREMENT:
      return state + 1;

    case DECREMENT:
      return state - 1;

      return state;

// define an action creator for incrementing
const incAction = () => {
  return {
    type: INCREMENT

// define an action creator for decrementing
const decAction = () => {
  return {
    type: DECREMENT

// define the Redux store here, passing in your reducers
const store = Redux.createStore(counterReducer);
Kibet Immanuel Ng'eno

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