“Suchwörterbuch nach Wert” Code-Antworten

Suchwörterbuch nach Wert

mydict = {'george':16,'amber':19}
res = dict((v,k) for k,v in mydict.items())
print(res[16]) # Prints george

Jittery Jay

Suche im Diktat Python

dictionary = { "key1" : 1, "name" : "Jordan", "age" : 21 }
for key in dictionary.keys():
    print("the key is {} and the value is {}".format(key, dictionary[key]))
    # or print("the key is",key,"and the value is",dictionary[key])
# the key is key1 and the value is 1
# the key is name and the value is Jordan
# the key is age and the value is 21

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