Wie kann ich einen Bash -Befehl regelmäßig laufen lassen?

I wanted a way to execute a piece of the script every hour within the bash 
script file that runs on crontab every 5 minutes without having to use sleep 
or rely fully on crontab. if the TIME_INTERVAL is not met, the script will fail at 
the first condition. If the TIME_INTERVAL is met, however the TIME_CONDITION is not 
met,the script will fail at second condition. The below script does work hand-in-hand 
with crontab - adjust according.

NOTE: touch -m "$0" - This will change modification timestamp of the bash script file. 
You will have to create a separate file for storing the last script run time, 
if you don't want to change the modification timestamp of the bash script file.

CURRENT_TIME=$(date "+%s")
LAST_SCRIPT_RUN_TIME=$(date -r "$0" "+%s")
START_TIME=$(date -d '07:00:00' "+%s")
END_TIME=$(date -d '16:59:59' "+%s")

        >&2 echo "[ERROR] FAILED - script failed to run because of time conditions"
elif [[ "$TIME_CONDITION" = '0' ]];
        >&2 echo "[ERROR] FAILED - script failed to run because of time conditions"
elif [[ "$TIME_CONDITION" = '1' ]];
        >&2 touch -m "$0"
        >&2 echo "[INFO] RESULT - script ran successfully"
Naughty Nightingale