Warum nimmt die aktualisierte Software mein gesamtes Gedächtnis ein?


Die aktualisierte Prozesssoftware scheint viel zu viel Speicherplatz zu beanspruchen. Es kann manchmal bis zu 400 MB RAM dauern. Ich kann nicht genau sagen, was dies verursacht, also habe ich meine Konsole genau beobachtet. Ich habe einen Vorfall auf 15 Minuten eingegrenzt, kann aber immer noch nicht erkennen, was dies verursachen könnte. Ich hänge die Konsolenausgabe unten an. Normalerweise nimmt die aktualisierte Software nur 18 MB ein. Wenn es auf 400 MB ansteigt, wird es nie wieder heruntergefahren, es sei denn, ich starte meinen Computer neu. Es ist, als ob es die Erinnerung oder etwas nicht freigeben kann. Es ist sehr frustrierend, da es meinen Computer erheblich verlangsamt. Ich habe auch meinen Computer einige Male einfrieren lassen, was ein manuelles Herunterfahren erforderlich machte. Es scheint, dass die Probleme mit dem Update 10.10.2 begonnen haben, aber dies kann ein Zufall sein.

Bearbeiten: Hier sind einige aktualisierte Screenshots, wenn der Prozess ausgeführt wird. Geben Sie hier die Bildbeschreibung ein Geben Sie hier die Bildbeschreibung ein Geben Sie hier die Bildbeschreibung ein Hat das noch jemand erlebt? Was kann ich tun, um dies zu beheben?

3/5/15 4:23:17.000 PM kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: b8:8d:12:61:0a:e5  MAC AUTH succeeded
3/5/15 4:23:17.000 PM kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
3/5/15 4:23:17.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
3/5/15 4:23:17.000 PM kernel[0]: wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #1, bssid b8:8d:12:61:0a:e5
3/5/15 4:23:17.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:8d:12:61:0a:e5
3/5/15 4:23:17.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 11
3/5/15 4:23:17.000 PM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
3/5/15 4:23:21.000 PM kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: b8:8d:12:61:0a:e5  MAC AUTH succeeded
3/5/15 4:23:21.000 PM kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
3/5/15 4:23:21.000 PM kernel[0]: wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid b8:8d:12:61:0a:e5
3/5/15 4:23:21.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:8d:12:61:0a:e5
3/5/15 4:23:21.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 11
3/5/15 4:23:21.000 PM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
3/5/15 4:23:22.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
3/5/15 4:24:36.256 PM storeaccountd[259]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe1e0d067c0> connection from pid 1955 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe1e0d07cb0> (PID 1955)
3/5/15 4:24:36.591 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:24:38.838 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:24:39.043 PM com.apple.iCloudHelper[1962]: objc[1962]: Class FALogging is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/Versions/A/FamilyNotification. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
3/5/15 4:24:39.052 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:24:41.739 PM WindowServer[136]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Safari" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
3/5/15 4:24:41.817 PM WindowServer[136]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Safari" after 1.08 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
3/5/15 4:24:42.743 PM locationd[198]: Couldn't find a requirement string for masquerading client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Parsec.framework
3/5/15 4:24:42.744 PM locationd[198]: could not get apple languages array, assuming english
3/5/15 4:24:43.512 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:04.472 PM nsurlstoraged[216]: Error: execSQLStatement:onConnection:toCompletionWithRetry - SQL=COMMIT;, error-code=1, error-message=cannot commit - no transaction is active
3/5/15 4:25:14.615 PM nsurlstoraged[216]: Error: execSQLStatement:onConnection:toCompletionWithRetry - SQL=COMMIT;, error-code=1, error-message=cannot commit - no transaction is active
3/5/15 4:25:34.289 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:34.410 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:35.146 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[53]: Session 100051 created
3/5/15 4:25:35.661 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:37.920 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:38.469 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:39.089 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:39.781 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:39.984 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:42.012 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:42.789 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:51.992 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.WebKit.WebContent.98330179-55A8-4EFA-A3E1-D8B74979F201[1980]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1
3/5/15 4:25:52.266 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:53.828 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:25:56.756 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:26:00.187 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:26:01.862 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[1990]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:26:01.863 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[1990]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:26:01.948 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:26:02.098 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:26:03.066 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:26:03.495 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:26:07.053 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[1993]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:26:07.053 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[1993]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:26:24.810 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.WebKit.Networking.22DFCA4E-C337-4C8F-8EB6-B5FE2E9132BA[1967]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1
3/5/15 4:26:36.037 PM nsurlstoraged[216]: Error: execSQLStatement:onConnection:toCompletionWithRetry - SQL=COMMIT;, error-code=1, error-message=cannot commit - no transaction is active
3/5/15 4:26:40.100 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:26:43.984 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:26:47.054 PM nsurlstoraged[216]: Error: execSQLStatement:onConnection:toCompletionWithRetry - SQL=COMMIT;, error-code=1, error-message=cannot commit - no transaction is active
3/5/15 4:27:37.459 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:27:37.877 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:27:38.525 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:28:07.704 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:28:08.557 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:28:27.237 PM com.apple.backupd[1931]: Copied 219 items (68.3 MB) from volume Macintosh HD. Linked 5306.
3/5/15 4:29:00.438 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:29:01.170 PM networkd[145]: -[NETClientConnection scrubParametersForEntitlements:] client com.apple.WebKi.1972 setting source application without entitlement
3/5/15 4:29:02.257 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[2005]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:29:02.257 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[2005]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:29:04.387 PM com.apple.backupd[1931]: Created new backup: 2015-03-05-162902
3/5/15 4:29:07.662 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.2 instead of 10.10.2. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
Call location:
3/5/15 4:29:07.906 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x9976d7c7 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 135
3/5/15 4:29:07.906 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x91171130 _dispatch_client_callout + 50
3/5/15 4:29:07.907 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x911710b5 dispatch_once_f + 251
3/5/15 4:29:07.907 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: 3   libdispatch.dylib                   0x911720d8 dispatch_once + 31
3/5/15 4:29:07.907 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x996ffe88 _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 1050
3/5/15 4:29:07.907 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: 5   CarbonCore                          0x996ffa39 Gestalt + 150
3/5/15 4:29:07.907 PM com.apple.qtkitserver[1975]: 6   QuickTime                           0x9b5462ba QTSAddUserAgentExtraTags + 221
3/5/15 4:29:09.769 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:29:12.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Recovery HD on device disk0s3
3/5/15 4:29:12.803 PM fseventsd[20]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
3/5/15 4:29:13.052 PM mds[32]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7fc28304a000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Recovery HD
3/5/15 4:29:13.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Recovery HD on device disk0s3
3/5/15 4:29:14.462 PM com.apple.backupd[1931]: Backup completed successfully.
3/5/15 4:29:15.424 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:29:17.000 PM kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: b8:8d:12:61:0a:e6  MAC AUTH succeeded
3/5/15 4:29:17.000 PM kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
3/5/15 4:29:17.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
3/5/15 4:29:17.000 PM kernel[0]: wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid b8:8d:12:61:0a:e6
3/5/15 4:29:17.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:8d:12:61:0a:e6
3/5/15 4:29:17.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 149,+1
3/5/15 4:29:17.000 PM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
3/5/15 4:29:22.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Time Machine Backups on device disk3s2
3/5/15 4:29:23.221 PM com.apple.backupd[1931]: Ejected Time Machine disk image: /Volumes/Data/Jason’s MacBook Pro.sparsebundle
3/5/15 4:29:23.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Data, flags 0, pid 2021
3/5/15 4:29:23.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 0 on so 0xffffff8020b397b0
3/5/15 4:29:24.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Detach: Reply queue not empty?
3/5/15 4:29:24.162 PM com.apple.backupd[1931]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.
3/5/15 4:30:27.552 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[2025]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:30:27.553 PM com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64[2025]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
3/5/15 4:31:15.528 PM SystemUIServer[224]: Attempt to use XPC with a MachService that has HideUntilCheckIn set. This will result in unpredictable behavior: com.apple.backupd.status.xpc
3/5/15 4:31:32.083 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:33:32.783 PM Mail[205]: No worthy mechs found
3/5/15 4:33:32.783 PM Mail[205]: No worthy mechs found
3/5/15 4:33:34.153 PM Mail[205]: No worthy mechs found
3/5/15 4:33:34.153 PM Mail[205]: No worthy mechs found
3/5/15 4:33:35.336 PM Mail[205]: No worthy mechs found
3/5/15 4:33:35.336 PM Mail[205]: No worthy mechs found
3/5/15 4:34:18.000 PM kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: b8:8d:12:61:0a:e6  MAC AUTH succeeded
3/5/15 4:34:18.000 PM kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
3/5/15 4:34:18.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
3/5/15 4:34:18.000 PM kernel[0]: wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #2, bssid b8:8d:12:61:0a:e6
3/5/15 4:34:18.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:8d:12:61:0a:e6
3/5/15 4:34:18.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 149,+1
3/5/15 4:34:18.000 PM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
3/5/15 4:34:21.421 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:34:21.475 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[53]: Session 100053 created
3/5/15 4:34:21.960 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[53]: Killing auth hosts
3/5/15 4:34:21.961 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[53]: Session 100049 destroyed
3/5/15 4:34:21.962 PM logind[67]: -[SessionManager getClient:withRole:inAuditSession:]:241: ERROR: No session dictionary for audit session 100053
3/5/15 4:34:21.962 PM logind[67]: _SMGetSessionAgent:73: ERROR: __SMGetClientForAuditSessionAgent failed 2
3/5/15 4:34:21.963 PM IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent[2033]: SACShieldWindowShowing:925: ERROR: NULL response
3/5/15 4:34:24.339 PM identityservicesd[256]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7fa369c5aef0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7fa369f3e430> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
3/5/15 4:34:24.340 PM identityservicesd[256]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7fa369c5aef0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7fa369d97b90> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
3/5/15 4:34:26.326 PM identityservicesd[256]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7fa369c5aef0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7fa369e46e90> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
3/5/15 4:34:26.326 PM identityservicesd[256]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7fa369c5aef0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7fa369f3bc20> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
3/5/15 4:34:26.327 PM identityservicesd[256]: ApplePushService: <APSConnection: 0x7fa369c5aef0> Received message from apsd: <APSIncomingMessage: 0x7fa369ccc180> but it didn't match the enabled topics: (
) or opportunistic topics: (
3/5/15 4:34:35.867 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
3/5/15 4:34:44.339 PM Messages[217]: [Warning] Could not set kMDItemOriginSenderDisplayName on file file:///Users/User/Library/Messages/Attachments/56/06/9FC693B3-E614-4820-A7E0-CDG8F61B2224/08%20What%20Is%20New%20Orleans%20Part%202.m4a
3/5/15 4:34:47.538 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.quicklook[2038]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.quicklook
3/5/15 4:34:48.937 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.pid.quicklookd.2038) Path not allowed in target domain: type = pid, path = /Library/Frameworks/iTunesLibrary.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/com.apple.iTunesLibraryService.xpc error = 147: The specified service did not ship in the requestor's bundle, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/quicklookd.app
3/5/15 4:34:49.600 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[53]: Session 100054 created
3/5/15 4:40:40.037 PM bird[234]: Assertion failed: ![_xpcClients containsObject:client]
Ich verstehe das auch.
Martin Bean



Mein Daemon zeigt 418 MB RAM im Aktivitätsmonitor an (siehe Details unten). Es ist für keinen meiner Macs von Belang.

Wenn Sie Ihren Aktivitätsmonitor öffnen, werden Sie wahrscheinlich feststellen, dass der Speicherdruck (die wichtige Zahl) grün ist.

Geben Sie hier die Bildbeschreibung ein

Solange Sie nicht gelb sind, verwendet das System nach Belieben RAM, sodass die von Ihnen gemeldeten Zahlen kein Problem darstellen . Ihr gesamtes RAM ist nicht festgeschrieben, es macht keinen Sinn, die Zuweisungen ohne Druck zu reduzieren.

Ziehen Sie auch in Betracht, bei gedrückter Ctrl-Taste auf die Speicherspalte zu klicken und alle Speicherelemente auszuwählen. Sie können den Beitrag dann mit dem tatsächlichen / privaten / gemeinsam genutzten Speicherbedarf sowie der nominalen Speichergröße aktualisieren.

Sie können auch auf die Werbebuchung doppelklicken, um die Software zu aktualisieren:

Geben Sie hier die Bildbeschreibung ein

Die eigentliche Sache, die verfolgt werden muss, besteht darin, die genaue Zeit jedes Einfrierens aufzuschreiben und in die Protokolle zu graben, wenn dies geschieht. Die Verwendung von Ram durch den Update-Daemon ist mit ziemlicher Sicherheit nicht die Ursache für diese Instabilität.

Danke für die Hilfe. Ich werde mein System weiterhin überwachen. 400 MB sind für mich kein großes Problem, nur der Computer verhält sich schlecht, während die Software aktualisiert wird. Ich hoffe, Sie haben Recht, aber ich habe dieses Verhalten noch nie bemerkt. Normalerweise arbeite ich immer noch im grünen Bereich, aber auf meinem 2011 Macbook Pro mit 4 GB RAM wird es zu einer größeren Herausforderung.
Mein softwareupdatedist 437MB, obwohl die Spalte "komprimiertes Mem" 404MB ist, was bedeuten könnte, dass sie tatsächlich nur 30MB belegt? Unabhängig davon scheint es übertrieben, zumal es keinen Grund softwareupdatedzu geben scheint, überhaupt im Hintergrund zu laufen. kernel_taskFür mich ist es der zweitgrößte Prozess .
Hier sind zwei Gründe, um es im Hintergrund zu laden. Es wird beim Booten gestartet und dann werden der gesamte Speicher und Code so eingestellt, dass Sie beim Ausführen eines Updates (oder eines dringenden Sicherheitsupdates) keinen Fehler erhalten, weil andere Prozesse den RAM übernehmen. Die meisten Menschen ermöglichen regelmäßige Überprüfungen, und dies ist der Mitarbeiter, der die Überprüfungen über den Tag und den Monat hinweg durchführt.
Ich habe 32 GB in meinem 10.10.5 Yosemite iMac mit Speicherdruck in Gelb und die aktualisierte Software nimmt immer noch 550 MB auf. Meine Betriebszeit beträgt 21 Tage. Zeit für einen Neustart.
Mike Causer

Beenden Sie einfach den Prozess im Aktivitätsmonitor
