Das Verschieben der Time Machine-Sicherung zwischen zwei lokalen Festplatten führt zu einer vollständigen Sicherung anstatt zu einer inkrementellen


Das Problem

Nach der Migration der gesamten aa Backups.backupdb auf eine neue Festplatte, wie von Apple empfohlen, indem Time Finder einfach zwischen zwei lokalen Festplatten kopiert und eingefügt wurde , stieß Time Machine auf ein interessantes Problem. Obwohl die neue Festplatte erfolgreich zum Sichern verwendet wurde, während die alten Sicherungen erkannt wurden, wurde statt einer weiteren inkrementellen Sicherung (wie normalerweise erwartet) eine vollständige Sicherung erstellt. Infolgedessen wurden die alten Sicherungen vom neuen Laufwerk gelöscht, um Platz für die vollständige Sicherung zu schaffen (ich habe immer noch das ursprüngliche Laufwerk und alle seine Daten). Dies ist nicht das gewünschte Ergebnis für mich, da ich meine behalten möchte alte Backups.


Diese Frage scheint auf ein ähnliches Problem hinzuweisen, hat aber keine Lösung. Die Verwendung von BackupLoupe auf der neuen Festplatte gemäß diesem Beitrag bestätigt dies einfach.

Geben Sie hier die Bildbeschreibung ein

Zusätzliche Information

Ausführen von OS X 10.11.4 auf einem iMac Anfang 2009. Das ursprüngliche Laufwerk ist 2 TB Western Digital My Book Studio (über Firewire), das neue Laufwerk ist 2 TB Western Digital My Passport (über USB 2.0).

Backup.log bearbeiten

Auf Anfrage von @klanomath habe ich die Protokolle für die entsprechenden Sicherungen hinzugefügt. Das erste Protokoll ist das der letzten normalen Sicherung. Das zweite Protokoll ist das einer abnormalen Sicherung.

2016-05-17-00:03:28 - Starting backup

Previous snapshot:
    /Volumes/WD 2TB Drive/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-16-194333

Resuming from partial snapshot:
    /Volumes/WD 2TB Drive/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-17-000323.inProgress/2FA31DEC-3830-444F-909A-23327D33BDA8

Date of Previous snapshot: 1463453013865462

Will use FS events for "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 964EFA4E-DBFD-4A1D-BBCF-929A7DFE52D5)
=== Starting backup loop #1 ===
  Will use IncrementalBackupCopier

Running preflight for "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 964EFA4E-DBFD-4A1D-BBCF-929A7DFE52D5)
    Scanning nodes needing deep traversal
    Deep event scan at path: / reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
    Calculating size of changes
    Should copy 1032 items (1.56 GB) representing 380579 blocks of size 4096. 13994642 blocks available.
Preflight complete for "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 964EFA4E-DBFD-4A1D-BBCF-929A7DFE52D5)
Time elapsed: 25 minutes, 5.000 seconds

Processing preflight info
    Space needed for this backup: 6.38 GB (1558644 blocks of size 4096)
    Preserving last snapshot /Volumes/WD 2TB Drive/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-16-194333
    Preserving snapshot for resume /Volumes/WD 2TB Drive/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-17-000323.inProgress/2FA31DEC-3830-444F-909A-23327D33BDA8
Finished processing preflight info

Copying items from "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 964EFA4E-DBFD-4A1D-BBCF-929A7DFE52D5)
Finished copying items for "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 964EFA4E-DBFD-4A1D-BBCF-929A7DFE52D5)
Time elapsed: 27 minutes, 48.000 seconds
    Copied 10909 items (519.2 MB)
Gathering events since 278311658.

Backup complete.
Total time elapsed: 1 hour, 34 minutes, 56.000 seconds

2016-06-09-23:28:52 - Starting backup

Previous snapshot:
    /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-17-012013

Date of Previous snapshot: 1463473213959891

Will traverse "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 75C53067-E162-4724-A37E-F5758FE3CF9A)
=== Starting backup loop #1 ===
  Will use IncrementalBackupCopier

Running preflight for "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 75C53067-E162-4724-A37E-F5758FE3CF9A)
    Scanning nodes needing deep traversal
    Deep event scan at path: / reason:must scan subdirs|require scan|
    Calculating size of changes
    Should copy 2516438 items (654.1 GB) representing 159691863 blocks of size 4096. 123660133 blocks available.
Preflight complete for "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 75C53067-E162-4724-A37E-F5758FE3CF9A)
Time elapsed: 1 hour, 36 minutes, 3.000 seconds

Processing preflight info
    Space needed for this backup: 677.62 GB (165433715 blocks of size 4096)
    Preserving last snapshot /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-17-012013
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/51AAC72E-43B3-494C-920F-DBC743CB576B'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-20-005501'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-19-004324'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-27-001208'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-26-005336'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-25-001601'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-24-005919'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-23-000842'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-22-223214'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-04-233459'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-03-182216'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-02-014115'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-01-002154'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-04-30-001703'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-11-010315'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-10-213059'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-09-185626'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-08-001405'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-07-213404'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-15-233919'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-15-222613'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-15-211225'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-15-200112'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-15-122209'
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-05-16-194333'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 107
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2013-11-28-143225'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 106
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2013-12-06-161600'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 105
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2013-12-13-162811'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 104
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-01-04-071328'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 103
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-01-11-094822'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 102
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-01-19-201718'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 101
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-01-26-004459'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 100
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-02-02-224934'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 99
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-02-09-122445'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 98
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-02-16-153017'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 97
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-02-23-110842'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 96
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-03-02-051545'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 95
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-03-09-112734'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 94
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-03-16-211114'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 93
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-03-23-091814'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 92
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-03-30-101105'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 91
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-04-06-134336'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 90
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-04-20-105220'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 89
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-05-04-002407'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 88
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-05-11-000646'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 87
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-05-18-001335'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 86
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-05-25-003018'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 85
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-06-01-001758'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 84
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-06-08-001707'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 83
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-06-15-003328'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 82
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-06-22-000047'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 81
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-06-29-000019'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 80
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-07-06-001756'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 79
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-07-13-153516'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 78
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-07-27-001304'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 77
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-08-06-005309'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 76
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-08-13-120849'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 75
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-08-20-172631'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 74
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-09-03-165519'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 73
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-09-10-084128'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 72
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-09-20-121117'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 71
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-09-27-123158'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 70
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-10-04-132743'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 69
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-10-12-101138'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 68
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-10-19-104224'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 67
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-10-26-172829'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 66
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-11-02-184352'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 65
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-11-09-005516'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 64
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-11-16-002629'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 63
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-11-28-120121'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 62
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-12-06-211411'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 61
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-12-18-000837'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 60
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2014-12-27-172230'
    Needs space for backup. Will delete oldest snapshots. Total snapshot count: 59
    Deleting old snapshot at '/Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2015-01-03-000953'
Finished processing preflight info

Copying items from "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 75C53067-E162-4724-A37E-F5758FE3CF9A)
Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/ca.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/cs.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/da.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/Dutch.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/el.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/en_GB.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/English.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/fi.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/French.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/German.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/hr.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/hu.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/Italian.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/Japanese.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/ko.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/no.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/pl.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/pt.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/pt_PT.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/ro.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/ru.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/sk.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/Spanish.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/sv.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/th.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/tr.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/uk.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/zh_CN.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Error: (-5000) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized/zh_TW.strings to /Volumes/WD 2TB Passport/Backups.backupdb/JMY1000's iMac/2016-06-09-232852.inProgress/3A84C59B-83BB-469F-8D45-57AA88CFD91B/Macintosh HD/Users/JMY1000/Music/iTunes 10/Automatically Add to iTunes.localized/.localized

Finished copying items for "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: F921CC2C-CB28-3302-A000-C67923A67354 eventDBUUID: 75C53067-E162-4724-A37E-F5758FE3CF9A)
Time elapsed: 10 hours, 58 minutes, 9.000 seconds
    Copied 2546768 items (633.66 GB)
Gathering events since 528511994.

Backup complete.
Total time elapsed: 13 hours, 21 minutes, 17.000 seconds

Erweiterte Attribute

Nach einigen Recherchen scheint es, dass sich die Schlüssel in erweiterten Attributen relevanter Dateien befinden. Obwohl FSEventIDs tatsächlich der Schuldige waren, wie @klanomath vermutete, reicht die Bearbeitung der Hauptdatenbank von FSEvents laut diesem Superuser-Beitrag nicht aus. . (Ich kann es hier aufgrund von Zeichenbeschränkungen nicht zitieren.)

Doch bei den suchen SnapshotVolumeFSEventStoreUUIDs verwendenxattr -l , erscheinen sie mit jedem Backup eindeutig zu sein, und zwar unabhängig Wetter es ist eine vollständige Sicherung oder nicht. SnapshotVolumeLastFSEventIDscheint nicht das gleiche Format zu haben wie SnapshotVolumeFSEventStoreUUID, sondern eine viel kürzere Zeichenfolge. Nur SnapshotVolumeUUIDerscheint konsistent zu bleiben.

Leider bin ich ratlos, wie man heilen dieses Problem. Obwohl ich denke, dass es möglich sein könnte, es zu verschieben, abgesehen davon, dass mehr Platz hinzugefügt wird, bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob es überhaupt eine Möglichkeit gibt, dies zu verhindern.

Bitte veröffentlichen Sie (hier oder bei pastebin) die ../.Backup.log-Dateien der neuen vollständigen Sicherung und der neuesten auf Ihrem alten Sicherungsvolume. Sie finden sie in /Volumes/Backup_Vol_name/Backups.backupdb/host_name/YYYY-MM-DD-hhmmss/
@klanomath Entschuldigung, das hat so lange gedauert, dass ich das problematische Backup gelöscht habe, um zu sehen, ob sich das Problem wiederholen würde - das hat es getan. Ich bearbeite den Beitrag jetzt.
Ich habe Ihr Setup in einer VM getestet und hatte überhaupt keine Probleme. Ich habe jedoch unterschiedliche Namen für die beiden Sicherungsdatenträger verwendet. Die verschiedenen (unsichtbaren!) .Backup.log-Dateien können einen Hinweis anzeigen.
Ich auch, also sollte das nicht das Problem sein.
Hmm, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere (währenddessen habe ich die 80 GB VM gelöscht), sollten die fsUUIDs und die eventDBUUIDs identisch sein. Die fsUUIDs sind aber letztere nicht - ich bin mir aber nicht sicher. Möglicherweise muss ich das VM-Ding wiederholen.



Mögliche Lösung 1:
Anstatt der Empfehlung von Apple zu folgen, das Backup im Finder zu kopieren, sollten Sie versuchen, das Festplatten-Dienstprogramm zu verwenden, um die Festplatte auf der neuen Festplatte wiederherzustellen (wenn die neue Festplatte vollständig leer ist).

Mögliche Lösung 2:
Befolgen Sie diese Anweisungen, um sicherzustellen, dass MAC-Adresse und UUID übereinstimmen. Ich habe diese Lösung erfolgreich in einem etwas anderen Szenario verwendet, nämlich um meine Sicherungscomputeridentifikation zu ändern, damit ich eine Sicherungskopie eines bestimmten Status meines Computers erstellen kann, der nicht gelöscht wird, wenn alte Sicherungen gelöscht werden. Es sollte auch umgekehrt funktionieren.

Erstens ist dies derzeit keine Option, da die Sicherungen nicht die exklusiven Benutzer des Speicherplatzes auf den angegebenen Datenträgern sind. Obwohl dies wahrscheinlich funktionieren würde, möchte ich den Grund, warum dies funktioniert und das Kopieren und Einfügen nicht, isolieren, sodass die Wiederherstellungsfunktion in Zukunft nicht mehr verwendet werden muss. In Bezug auf die zweite Lösung werde ich es versuchen, aber ich denke nicht, dass es ganz so relevant ist. Die Tatsache, dass 1. es sich um eine lokale Sicherung handelt, die MAC-Adresse keine Rolle spielen sollte und 2. das Problem anders ist, da der Zugriff auf die Festplatte von demselben Computer erfolgreich erfolgt und einfach
abgelehnt wird
(Forts.), um schrittweise zu sichern.
Versuchte es: Leider sind die genannten Adressen bereits korrekt, und als solche scheint dies nicht das Problem zu sein.
@ JMY1000 Das ist bedauerlich. Eine andere Möglichkeit könnte darin bestehen, die TM- com.apple.TimeMachine.plistEinstellungen zu optimieren (unter `\ Library \ Preferences`). Es sollte eine Liste aller Geräte und eine Zeichenfolge mit ihrer DeviceUUID geben. Wenn Sie nur zwei Festplatten dort aufgelistet haben (die alte und die neue), können Sie möglicherweise mit einigem Ausprobieren herausfinden, welche zu welcher gehört, und dann ihre Identifikationszeichenfolgen austauschen. Möglicherweise müssen Sie sich abmelden, neu anmelden oder sogar neu starten, bevor Änderungen erkannt werden, und sicherstellen, dass Sie eine Sicherungskopie der Datei erstellen, bevor Sie Änderungen vornehmen.
Leider ist die Art und Weise, wie Time Machine funktioniert und wo es seine relevanten Daten speichert, das gut gehütete Geheimnis von Apple, und (wie Sie festgestellt haben) gibt es keine guten Ressourcen für die Fehlerbehebung. :(