MySQL Server startet nicht


Aus irgendeinem Grund startet MySQL nicht mehr. Plötzlich passiert aus heiterem Himmel.

Dies ist, was geschrieben steht


gleich nachdem ich versucht habe MySQL zu öffnen.

Feb  8 16:07:31 mys-MacBook-Air.local System Preferences[2795]: about to perform command
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_authenticate(): Got user: mybak
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_authenticate(): Got ruser: (null)
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_authenticate(): Got service: authorization
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in od_principal_for_user(): No authentication authority returned
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in od_principal_for_user(): failed: 7
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_authenticate(): Failed to determine Kerberos principal name.
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_authenticate(): Done cleanup3
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_authenticate(): Kerberos 5 refuses you
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_authenticate(): pam_sm_authenticate: ntlm
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_acct_mgmt(): OpenDirectory - Membership cache TTL set to 1800.
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in od_record_check_pwpolicy(): retval: 0
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in od_record_attribute_create_cfstring(): returned 2 attributes for dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Establishing credentials
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Got user: mybak
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Context initialised
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Got euid, egid: 0 0
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Done getpwnam()
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Done setegid() & seteuid()
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): pam_sm_setcred: krb5 user mybak doesn't have a principal
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Done cleanup3
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Done seteuid() & setegid()
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): Done cleanup4
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): pam_sm_setcred: ntlm
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local authorizationhost[4202]: in pam_sm_setcred(): pam_sm_setcred: no domain found skipping
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local[15]: UID 501 authenticated as user mybak (UID 501) for right 'com.mysql.administrator.server'
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local[15]: Succeeded authorizing right 'com.mysql.administrator.server' by client '/Users/mybak/Library/PreferencePanes/MySQL.pre\
fPane/Contents/Resources/mahelper' [4200] for authorization created by '/Applications/System' [2795] (100003,0)
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local coreservicesd[26]: Application App:"System Preferences" [ 0x0/0xc40c4]  @ 0x0x7fe49cb90aa0 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontASN\
s ( ( ASN:0x0-0xe40e4:) ), so denying.
Feb  8 16:07:36 mys-MacBook-Air.local WindowServer[176]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to System Preferences, psn 0x0-0xc40c4, securitySessionID=0x186a4, err=-13066
Feb  8 16:07:39 mys-MacBook-Air.local System Preferences[2795]: status= 0

Weiteres googeln dieser Zeilen ergab keine Hinweise.

The Unfun Cat
Gleiches Problem hier bei Neuinstallation.
Vielleicht haben Sie im Stackoverflow mehr Glück.
Enrico Susatyo
Vielleicht ist der Superuser passender?
The Unfun Cat
Einige Fragen zur Problembehebung bei mysql in stack overflow base für eine Konfigurationsdatei in / etc, die in der Mac-Version nicht vorhanden ist.



Sie können versuchen, die Pam-Authentifizierung unter Ihrem SSH-Server zu deaktivieren, um festzustellen, ob dies hilfreich ist
