OHIF add auth zu config
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ohif/viewer" crossorigin></script>
var containerId = "root";
var componentRenderedOrUpdatedCallback = function(){
console.log('OHIF Viewer rendered/updated');
window.config = {
// default: '/'
routerBasename: '/',
extensions: [],
showStudyList: true,
filterQueryParam: false,
servers: {
dicomWeb: [
name: 'scorthanc',
wadoUriRoot: 'https://orthanc.yyy.zzz/orthanc/wado',
qidoRoot: 'https://orthanc.yyy.zzz/orthanc/dicom-web',
wadoRoot: 'https://orthanc.yyy.zzz/orthanc/dicom-web',
qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
imageRendering: 'wadors',
thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
requestOptions: {
auth: 'user:password',
cornerstoneExtensionConfig: {},
// Following property limits number of simultaneous series metadata requests.
// For http/1.x-only servers, set this to 5 or less to improve
// on first meaningful display in viewer
// If the server is particularly slow to respond to series metadata
// requests as it extracts the metadata from raw files everytime,
// try setting this to even lower value
// Leave it undefined for no limit, sutiable for HTTP/2 enabled servers
// maxConcurrentMetadataRequests: 5,
window.config, containerId, componentRenderedOrUpdatedCallback);
Enthusiastic Eagle