Scrollen Sie nach unten React JS TypeScript
// ES6 Imports
import * as Scroll from 'react-scroll';
import { Link, Element, Events, animateScroll as scroll, scrollSpy, scroller } from 'react-scroll'
// Or Access Link,Element,etc as follows
let Link = Scroll.Link;
let Element = Scroll.Element;
let Events = Scroll.Events;
let scroll = Scroll.animateScroll;
let scrollSpy = Scroll.scrollSpy;
// ES5
var React = require('react');
var Scroll = require('react-scroll');
var Link = Scroll.Link;
var Element = Scroll.Element;
var Events = Scroll.Events;
var scroll = Scroll.animateScroll;
var scrollSpy = Scroll.scrollSpy;
var Section = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function() {
Events.scrollEvent.register('begin', function(to, element) {
console.log('begin', arguments);
Events.scrollEvent.register('end', function(to, element) {
console.log('end', arguments);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
scrollToTop: function() {
scrollToBottom: function() {
scrollTo: function() {
scrollMore: function() {
handleSetActive: function(to) {
render: function () {
return (
<Link activeClass="active" to="test1" spy={true} smooth={true} offset={50} duration={500} onSetActive={this.handleSetActive}>
Test 1
<Link activeClass="active" to="test1" spy={true} smooth={true} offset={50} duration={500} delay={1000}>
Test 2 (delay)
<Link className="test6" to="anchor" spy={true} smooth={true} duration={500}>
Test 6 (anchor)
<Button activeClass="active" className="btn" type="submit" value="Test 2" to="test2" spy={true} smooth={true} offset={50} duration={500} >
Test 2
<Element name="test1" className="element">
test 1
<Element name="test2" className="element">
test 2
<div id="anchor" className="element">
test 6 (anchor)
<Link to="firstInsideContainer" containerId="containerElement">
Go to first element inside container
<Link to="secondInsideContainer" containerId="containerElement">
Go to second element inside container
<div className="element" id="containerElement">
<Element name="firstInsideContainer">
first element inside container
<Element name="secondInsideContainer">
second element inside container
<a onClick={this.scrollToTop}>To the top!</a>
<a onClick={this.scrollToBottom}>To the bottom!</a>
<a onClick={this.scrollTo}>Scroll to 100px from the top</a>
<a onClick={this.scrollMore}>Scroll 100px more from the current position!</a>
<Section />,
Troubled Termite