Fehler beim Laden des Kernel-Lademoduls während des Startvorgangs


Ich benutze Ubuntu 15.10 auf einem Dell Laptop. Es funktioniert gut, aber in letzter Zeit habe ich langsame Startzeiten (~ 1 Minute). Ich habe mich also umgesehen und beim Lesen der /var/log/boot.logDatei sehe ich den folgenden Fehler:

[FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.
See 'systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service' for details.

Mit jedem anderen Dienst (außer tftpd) läuft einwandfrei. Hier ist die vollständige Ausgabe:

[  OK  ] Started Load/Save Screen Backlight Brightness of backlight:intel_backlight.
[  OK  ] Reached target Sound Card.
[  OK  ] Created slice system-systemd\x2drfkill.slice.
         Starting Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill0...
[  OK  ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen.
[  OK  ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch.
[  OK  ] Started Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill0.
[  OK  ] Started Check And Enable File System Quotas.
         Starting Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill1...
[  OK  ] Started Braille Device Support.
         Starting Load Kernel Modules...
[FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.
See 'systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service' for details.
[  OK  ] Started Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill1.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: QEMU KVM module loading script.
[  OK  ] Found device ST500LM012_HN-M500MBB 8.
         Starting File System Check on /dev/sda8...
[  OK  ] Started File System Check on /dev/sda8.
         Mounting /mnt/ubuntuspace...
[  OK  ] Found device ST500LM012_HN-M500MBB 7.
         Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/431a5631-95f2-4d4f-8f81-42e5801b57aa...
[  OK  ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/431a5631-95f2-4d4f-8f81-42e5801b57aa.
[  OK  ] Reached target Swap.
[  OK  ] Mounted /mnt/ubuntuspace.
[  OK  ] Reached target Local File Systems.
         Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories...
         Starting Set console keymap...
[  OK  ] Reached target Remote File Systems.
         Starting Wait for all "auto" /etc/network/interfaces to be up for network-online.target...
         Starting LSB: AppArmor initialization...
         Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up...
         Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data...
[  OK  ] Started Wait for all "auto" /etc/network/interfaces to be up for network-online.target.
[  OK  ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up.
         Starting Nameserver information manager...
[  OK  ] Started Nameserver information manager.
[  OK  ] Started Set console keymap.
[  OK  ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories.
         Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown...
         Starting Network Time Synchronization...
[  OK  ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
[  OK  ] Started Network Time Synchronization.
[  OK  ] Reached target System Time Synchronized.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: AppArmor initialization.
         Starting LSB: Raise network interfaces....
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Raise network interfaces..
[  OK  ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data.
[  OK  ] Reached target System Initialization.
[  OK  ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket.
         Starting Restore Sound Card State...
[  OK  ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
[  OK  ] Started CUPS Scheduler.
[  OK  ] Listening on PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket.
[  OK  ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler.
[  OK  ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket.
[  OK  ] Started Trigger resolvconf update for networkd DNS.
[  OK  ] Reached target Paths.
[  OK  ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
[  OK  ] Reached target Timers.
[  OK  ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket.
[  OK  ] Reached target Sockets.
[  OK  ] Reached target Basic System.
         Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down....
         Starting System Logging Service...
         Starting Permit User Sessions...
[  OK  ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon.
         Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack...
         Starting LSB: Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor to "ondemand"...
         Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes...
         Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB...
[  OK  ] Started Cgroup management daemon.
[  OK  ] Started CUPS Scheduler.
         Starting VirtualBox Linux kernel module...
         Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation...
         Starting Network Manager...
[  OK  ] Started Deferred execution scheduler.
[  OK  ] Started crash report submission daemon.
         Starting Modem Manager...
         Starting LSB: Load kernel modules needed to enable cpufreq scaling...
         Starting LSB: Start/stop sysstat's sadc...
         Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats...
         Starting Accounts Service...
         Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher...
         Starting Bluetooth service...
[  OK  ] Started Regular background program processing daemon.
         Starting Initialize hardware monitoring sensors...
         Starting LSB: daemon to balance interrupts for SMP systems...
[  OK  ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
[  OK  ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack.
[  OK  ] Started Bluetooth service.
[  OK  ] Started Network Manager.
[  OK  ] Reached target Network.
[  OK  ] Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.
         Starting MySQL Community Server...
         Starting OpenVPN service...
[  OK  ] Reached target Bluetooth.
[  OK  ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally.
         Starting LSB: Start daemon at boot time...
         Starting Thermal Daemon Service...
         Starting dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server...
         Starting PostgreSQL Cluster 9.4-main...
         Starting Login Service...
         Starting Network Manager Wait Online...
         Starting LSB: Monitor for system resources and process activity...
[  OK  ] Started System Logging Service.
[  OK  ] Started Restore Sound Card State.
[  OK  ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down..
[  OK  ] Started Permit User Sessions.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor to "ondemand".
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB.
[  OK  ] Started VirtualBox Linux kernel module.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Load kernel modules needed to enable cpufreq scaling.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Start/stop sysstat's sadc.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: daemon to balance interrupts for SMP systems.
[  OK  ] Started OpenVPN service.
[  OK  ] Started Initialize hardware monitoring sensors.
         Starting Hostname Service...
         Starting Authenticate and Authorize Users to Run Privileged Tasks...
         Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System...
         Starting LSB: set CPUFreq kernel parameters...
         Starting vboxweb-service.service...
         Starting vboxballoonctrl-service.service...
         Starting vboxautostart-service.service...
[  OK  ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: set CPUFreq kernel parameters.
[  OK  ] Started vboxweb-service.service.
[  OK  ] Started vboxballoonctrl-service.service.
[  OK  ] Started vboxautostart-service.service.
[  OK  ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats.
[  OK  ] Started Hostname Service.
[  OK  ] Started Login Service.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Monitor for system resources and process activity.
[  OK  ] Started Thermal Daemon Service.
[  OK  ] Started Authenticate and Authorize Users to Run Privileged Tasks.
[  OK  ] Started Accounts Service.
[  OK  ] Started Modem Manager.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Start daemon at boot time.
[  OK  ] Started ACPI event daemon.
         Starting WPA supplicant...
[  OK  ] Started dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server.
[  OK  ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups.
[  OK  ] Started WPA supplicant.
         Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service...
[  OK  ] Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service.
[  OK  ] Started MySQL Community Server.
[  OK  ] Started PostgreSQL Cluster 9.4-main.
         Starting PostgreSQL RDBMS...
[  OK  ] Started PostgreSQL RDBMS.
[  OK  ] Started Network Manager Wait Online.
[  OK  ] Reached target Network is Online.
         Starting LSB: start Samba daemons for the AD DC...
         Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon...
         Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server...
         Starting /etc/rc.local Compatibility...
         Starting LSB: Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures...
         Starting LSB: Apache2 web server...
         Starting ISC DHCP IPv4 server...
         Starting LSB: Postfix Mail Transport Agent...
         Starting LSB: backup and restore program...
         Starting LSB: Starts or stops the xinetd daemon....
         Starting LSB: start Samba NetBIOS nameserver (nmbd)...
[  OK  ] Started LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon.
[  OK  ] Started /etc/rc.local Compatibility.
[  OK  ] Started ISC DHCP IPv4 server.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: backup and restore program.
[FAILED] Failed to start LSB: HPA's tftp server.
See 'systemctl status tftpd-hpa.service' for details.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures.
         Starting Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit...
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Starts or stops the xinetd daemon..
[  OK  ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes.
         Starting Light Display Manager...

Hier ist die Ausgabe von systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service:

● systemd-modules-load.service - Load Kernel Modules
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2016-07-06 06:05:56 IST; 1h 13min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-modules-load.service(8)
  Process: 1019 ExecStart=/lib/systemd/systemd-modules-load (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 1019 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jul 06 06:05:56 hostname systemd[1]: Starting Load Kernel Modules...
Jul 06 06:05:56 hostname systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 06 06:05:56 hostname systemd[1]: Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.
Jul 06 06:05:56 hostname systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jul 06 06:05:56 hostname systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Was genau ist der Fehler, wirkt er sich auf meine Startzeiten aus und wie sollte er behoben werden?




Was ist "Fehler beim Starten der Ladekernmodule"?

Systemd liest die Dateien im Verzeichnis, /etc/modules-load.ddamit Module mit diesem Dienst geladen werden können. Wenn die in diesen Dateien angegebenen Module nicht im /lib/modulesVerzeichnis des zu startenden Kernels vorhanden sind, wird der Fehler "Das Laden der Kernelmodule konnte nicht gestartet werden" angezeigt. Hier ist der Inhalt des /etc/modules-load.dVerzeichnisses vonls -lA

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 119 Apr 20 17:01 cups-filters.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  10 May 12 10:39 modules.conf -> ../modules

Erfassen Sie die Details von journalctl

In meinem Fall ist hier der relevante Teil von journalctl:

May 27 06:36:50 zanna-X205TA systemd-modules-load[176]: Failed to find module 'lp'
May 27 06:36:50 zanna-X205TA systemd-modules-load[176]: Failed to find module 'ppdev'
May 27 06:36:50 zanna-X205TA systemd-modules-load[176]: Failed to find module 'parport_pc'

Wenn Sie dies tun, werden journalctl | grep modulesSie sehen, welche nicht geladen werden konnten

In meinem Fall war /etc/modules(durch symlink gekennzeichnet) leer, aber die cups-filters.confDatei enthielt die Verweise auf die Module, die Fehler auslösten:

# Parallel printer driver modules loading for cups
# LOAD_LP_MODULE was 'yes' in /etc/default/cups

Die Nachricht verschwinden lassen

Es überrascht nicht, dass mein Laptop nicht einmal über parallele Anschlüsse verfügt, sodass ich diese Module nicht benötige. Auf jeden Fall konnten sie nicht geladen werden, da sie nicht in waren/lib/modules/$(uname -r)

Ich habe diese drei Zeilen auskommentiert ( #am Anfang der Zeile vor dem Modulnamen für jede Zeile) und die Fehlermeldung ist verschwunden.

Ich habe jedoch keinen Unterschied in der Startzeit bemerkt.


  • Überprüfen Sie journalctl, welche Module nicht geladen werden können
  • Lesen Sie die Dateien ein /etc/modules-load.d, um nach Verweisen auf diese Module zu suchen
  • Kommentieren Sie die Zeilen aus, in denen diese Module angegeben sind, damit der Fehler verschwindet (erstellen Sie jedoch vor dem Bearbeiten eine Sicherungskopie).
  • Starten Sie neu, um festzustellen, ob sich dies auf die Startzeit auswirkt