“So erstellen Sie ein Fenster in Tkinter” Code-Antworten

So erstellen Sie ein Tkinter -Fenster

from tkinter import *

mywindow = Tk() #Change the name for every window you make
mywindow.title("New Project") #This will be the window title
mywindow.geometry("780x640") #This will be the window size (str)
mywindow.minsize(540, 420) #This will be set a limit for the window's minimum size (int)
mywindow.configure(bg="blue") #This will be the background color

mywindow.mainloop() #You must add this at the end to show the window

So erstellen Sie ein Tkinter -Fenster

#Creating Tkinter Window In Python:

from tkinter import *

new_window = Tk() #Create a window ; spaces should be denoted with underscores ; every window should have a different name
new_window.title("My Python Project") #Name of screen ; name should be the one which you already declared (new_window)
new_window.geometry("200x150") #Resizes the default window size
new_window.configure(bg = "red") #Gives color to the background

new_window.mainloop() #Shows the window on the screen

So erstellen Sie ein Fenster in Tkinter

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk() #Creates a window
window.title("Trial") # Sets a title for the window
window.geometry(520,850)# Size of window optional
window.minisize(520,850) # Minimum size of window

window.mainloop()# Sets visiblility to true

Machen Sie ein Fenster Tkinter


import Tkinter
top = Tkinter.Tk()
# Code to add widgets will go here...
Crowded Cottonmouth

Grundlegendes Tkinter -Fenster

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.title("Hello World")
message_label = Label(root, text="Hello World")

Old Pizza

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