“Padding CSS” Code-Antworten

CSS -Polsterung

padding: 5px 10px 15px 20px; //top right bottom left

padding: 10px 20px;//top & bottom then left & right

padding-top: 5px; //just top padding
padding-right: 10px; //just right padding
padding-bottom: 15px; //just bottom padding
padding-left: 20px; //just left padding
Carnivorous Flamingo

Padding CSS

padding:10px 5px 15px 20px;
top padding is 10px
right padding is 5px
bottom padding is 15px
left padding is 20px
Bloody Bee


	Padding block is analogous to padding-top and padding-bottom
	in a horizontal writing mode. But it behaves like padding-left
	and padding-right in a vertical writing mode.
	Reference: https://codepen.io/wissamfawaz/pen/mdqgqgd
.text {
  background: #fff;
  border: 3px dashed #ff7a18;
  /* 20px will be added to top and bottom if text is horizontal
  	 20px will be added to left and right if text is vertical
  padding-block: 20px; 


Padding CSS

.box {
  padding: <padding-top> || <padding-right> || <padding-bottom> || <padding-left>
Friendly Fowl

Padding CSS

padding: 15px 10px 20px; 
Top padding is 15px
right and left padding are 10px
bottom padding is 20px

Padding CSS

h4 {
  background-color: green;
  padding: 10px;

h3 {
  background-color: blue;
  padding: 10px 5%;
Prince Maker

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