“unterstreichen Text in HTML” Code-Antworten

unterstreichen Text in HTML

<!-- Using 'u' tag we can draw underline below the text in HTML -->
<p>Hello all <u>Welcome here !!!</u></p>

So unterstreichen Sie Text in HTML

<!-- Here are two ways to underline text in HTML -->

<!--Method 1-->
<p>The deer started <u>running</u> </p> 		<!--"Running" is underlined.-->

<!--Method 2-->
.myStyle {													   	<!--CSS-->
  text-decoration: underline;

<p>The deer started <span style="myStyle">running</span> </p> 	<!--HTML-->
chicken man

unterstreichen HTML

<!-- The <ins> tag makes a certain part of text underlined, in contrast to
	 the <del> tag which strikes through certain parts of text -->

<h1> My favorite animals are <ins> cats </ins> </h1>

HTML -Untersteuer -Tag

Ex. Underline word "parragraph" using 'u' tag:

<p>This is a <u>parragraph</u>.</p>

Zeile im Text HTML

<u> text </u>
Motionless Mole

unterstreichen Text HTML


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