Zusammenführen von 2 sortierten Arrays (Kantenfälle2)

public static int[] mergeArrays(int[] myArray, int[] alicesArray) {

    // set up our mergedArray
    int[] mergedArray = new int[myArray.length + alicesArray.length];

    int currentIndexAlices = 0;
    int currentIndexMine   = 0;
    int currentIndexMerged = 0;

    while (currentIndexMerged < mergedArray.length) {

        boolean isMyArrayExhausted = currentIndexMine >= myArray.length;
        boolean isAlicesArrayExhausted = currentIndexAlices >= alicesArray.length;

        // case: next comes from my array
        // my array must not be exhausted, and EITHER:
        // 1) Alice's array IS exhausted, or
        // 2) the current element in my array is less
        //    than the current element in Alice's array
        if (!isMyArrayExhausted && (isAlicesArrayExhausted
                || (myArray[currentIndexMine] < alicesArray[currentIndexAlices]))) {

            mergedArray[currentIndexMerged] = myArray[currentIndexMine];

        // case: next comes from Alice's array
        } else {
            mergedArray[currentIndexMerged] = alicesArray[currentIndexAlices];


    return mergedArray;
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