“Animation in JS tippen” Code-Antworten

Animation in JS tippen

// typing animation in js:
//copy the following code:
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds))

const applyTypingAnimation = async (element, delay) => {
  const stringToWrite= element.innerText;
  element.innerHTML= "";
  let refill= "";
  const cursorHTML= "▮";
  for (character of stringToWrite) {
    refill+= character;
    await sleep(delay)
    element.innerHTML= refill+cursorHTML;

// calling the function:
applyTipingAnimation(/*your element*/, /*your delay*/)
Cloudy Caribou

Animiertes Tippen JS

<script src="https://unpkg.com/typewriter-effect@latest/dist/core.js"></script>
var app = document.getElementById('app');

        var typewriter = new Typewriter(app, {
            loop: true,
            delay: 75,

            .typeString('Whats App')
Anthony Smith

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