“Installieren Sie MongoDB auf Mac” Code-Antworten

MongoDB Mac

$ brew tap mongodb/brew
$ brew install [email protected]

brew services start mongo-community

brew services stop mongo-community
Outrageous Ocelot

MongoDB in Mac installieren

// updated 2021
$ brew tap mongodb/brew
$ brew install [email protected]
Salo Hopeless

Installieren Sie MongoDB auf Mac

brew services start [email protected]
#Step 3 to run as a service
Roseat Flamingo

Installieren Sie MongoDB auf Mac

brew install [email protected]
#Step 2
Roseat Flamingo

Installieren Sie MongoDB auf Mac

//be sure you have GNU's GCC:
brew install gcc
Leon Melamud

Installieren Sie MongoDB auf Mac

// updated 2022 
// watch this video it will help you download and configure mongodb 
// locally so that mongod command will work
// I did not made the video nor I would benefit but after spending more
// than one hour installing it and not make it work this helped me alot
// and finally made it work
// Use this for macos latest versions
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4crXgQZG4W8
Unsightly Unicorn

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