“JavaScript Discord Bot 8 Ball Command” Code-Antworten

JavaScript Discord Bot 8 Ball Command

const Discord = require("discord.js");

module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {

	//!8ball <question fjdksf>
	if(!args[2]) return message.reply("Please ask a full question!");
	let replies = ["Yes.", "No.", "I don't know.", "Ask again later"];
	let result = Math.floor((Math.random() * replies.length));
	let question = args.slice(1).join(" ");
	let ballembed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
	.addField("Question", question)
	.addField("Answer", replies[result]);
Fellow osu! gamer (profile in desc)

JavaScript Discord Bot 8 Ball Command

//To get it, open the terminal, navigate to your bot's folder and do
//$ npm install --save botkit-discord

const discordBotkit = require('botkit-discord');

const configuration = {

const discordBot = discordBotkit(configuration);

discordBot.hears('.*', 'mention', (bot, message) => {
	const responses = [
		"It is certain",
		"It is decidedly so",
		"Without a doubt",
		"Yes – definitely",
		"You may rely on it",
		"As I see it",
		"Most Likely",
		"Outlook good",
		"Signs point to yes"
	const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length);
	bot.reply(message, responses[randomIndex]);
Fellow osu! gamer (profile in desc)

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