JavaScript Filter Map Array von Objekten

let flights = [
  { flightid: 11, aerodrome: ["aaa", "bbb"] },
  { flightid: 22, aerodrome: ["aaa", "ccc"] },
  { flightid: 33, aerodrome: ["ddd"] },
  { flightid: 44, aerodrome: ["ddd", "bbb"] }

let aerodromeAAA = flights.filter((f) => f.aerodrome.includes("aaa"));

  `Total of ${flights.length} flights, flights with aerodrome='bbb' is ${aerodromeAAA.length}`

// "Total of 4 flights, flights with aerodrome='bbb' is 2"

console.log(`AAA aerodromes flight IDs: ${ => a.flightid).join(", ")}`);

// "AAA aerodromes flight IDs: 11, 22"
Angry Alpaca