“JavaScript zu Typscript Converter” Code-Antworten

JavaScript zu Typscript Converter

import React from "react";
import { useTable } from "react-table";

export default function BasicTable({ columns, data }) {
  // Use the useTable Hook to send the columns and data to build the table
  const {
    getTableProps, // Sends the needed props to your table.
    getTableBodyProps, // Sends needed props to your table body
    headerGroups, // Returns normalized header groups
    rows, // rows for the table based on the data passed
    prepareRow // Prepare the row in order to be displayed.
  } = useTable({

Manu Srinivasa

JavaScript zu Typscript Converter

 * Created by admin on 22.04.2022.
Uninterested Unicorn

Konvertieren Sie JavaScript in TypeScript

1. Add tsconfig.json file to project
2. Integrate with a build tool
3. Change all .js files to .ts files
4. Check for any errors
Repulsive Reindeer

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