“module.exports in js” Code-Antworten

Was ist die Syntax, um eine Funktion aus einem Modul in node.js zu exportieren

function foo() {}
function bar() {}

// To export above functions:
module.exports = foo;
module.exports = bar;

// And in the file you want to use these functions,
// import them like this:
const foo = require('./module/path');
const bar = require('./module/path');


So exportieren Sie eine Klasse im Knoten JS

class TestClass {

module.exports.TestClass = TestClass;
Embarrassed Earthworm

module.exports in js

module.exports = {
    method: function() {},
    otherMethod: function() {},

const myModule = require('./myModule.js');
const method = myModule.method;
const otherMethod = myModule.otherMethod;
// OR:
const {method, otherMethod} = require('./myModule.js');
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