“Nodemon” Code-Antworten


npm install -g nodemon
Shiny Shark


npm install -g nodemon
Important Impala


npm install --save-dev nodemon


# Install nodemon on your project as dev-dependency
npm install nodemon --save-dev
npm i nodemon --save-dev
#nodemon as -dev cause there is no need nodemon in production
Noob Learner


npm i -D nodemon
Scary Stoat


# Install nodemon on your project as dev-dependency
npm install nodemon --D
Zealous Zebra


# when this command doesn't work:
npm install -g nodemon

# Can try

sudo npm install -g nodemon

#It will then ask you to enter the password you use to log on to your computer.
#So, if you have any problems with this step.
#1. Make sure you are logged in to your computer on an account with admin privileges.
#2. Use sudo in front of the installation command.
#3. Type your password when prompted. Note your password typing will not show. Just hit enter once you've typed it all.
Glorious Gerbil


//install globally to your system path.
npm install -g nodemon
//install nodemon as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev nodemon
Hastings Keith

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