“Pfeilfunktionen in JS” Code-Antworten

Pfeil funktioniert in ES6

let func = (a) => {}         // parentheses optional with one parameter
let func = (a, b, c) => {} // parentheses required with multiple parameters
Outrageous Ostrich

Pfeilfunktion JavaScript

hello = () => {
  return "Hello World!";

Pfeilfunktion JavaScript -Regeln

const add3 = (num1, num2, num3) => return num1 + num2 + num3;
Fantastic Falcon

Pfeilfunktion JavaScript -Regeln

const sayHi = ()=>console.log('Hi');
Fantastic Falcon

Pfeilfunktionen in JS

I think that you might be looking for 
the js "arrow function"; I hope that 
this example below helps ;)

// usual function
function fartOne(){
    console.log('Pooofff... pof.. ppf.. poof.. p');

// arrow function to do the same
const fartTwo = () => console.log('Baaaf... paf.. poof.. poffie.. plop');

// call the functions to test 'em out..

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