“Wenn Array JavaScript ist” Code-Antworten

Wenn Array JavaScript ist

let names=['Jhon','David','Mark'];
// true

let user={id:1,name:'David'};
// false

let age 18;
// false
Ofir Salem

JavaScript prüft, ob Array ist

var colors=["red","green","blue"];

    //colors is an array

JS Überprüfen Sie, ob Array

Array.isArray([1, 2, 3]);	// true
Array.isArray('asdf');		// false

So überprüfen Sie, ob Array Array

// Check if something is an Array 
// just like you do with "typeof"
Array.isArray([1, 2, 3]);	// true
Array.isArray('asdf');		// false

Wie man ein Array in JavaScript erkennt

const array = [1, 2, 3];

Array.isArray(array);  // => true
Array.isArray(object); // => false
Array.isArray(string); // => false
Array.isArray(empty);  // => false

// other ways

({}).toString.call(array);   // => '[object Array]'
({}).toString.call(object);  // => '[object Object]'
({}).toString.call(string);  // => '[object String]'
({}).toString.call(empty);   // => '[object Null]'
Creepy Gábor

Wenn Array JavaScript

// I know javascript can be hard but see this example and you will learn

// Javascript if condition and array example
var people = ["filex", "alex", "jon"];
var peopleNeeded = people[1]; // 1 is the index bc the index starts from 0
if (peopleNeeded <= people[1]) {
 console.log("alex needed");   
} else {
Stormy Skylark

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