“App” Code-Antworten


    /Config         Stores the configuration files
    /Controllers    Controllers determine the program flow
    /Database       Stores the database migrations and seeds files
    /Filters        Stores filter classes that can run before and after controller
    /Helpers        Helpers store collections of standalone functions
    /Language       Multiple language support reads the language strings from here
    /Libraries      Useful classes that don't fit in another category
    /Models         Models work with the database to represent the business entities.
    /ThirdParty     ThirdParty libraries that can be used in application
    /Views          Views make up the HTML that is displayed to the client.
Lazy Lizard


import sys
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QPushButton

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

window = QPushButton("Push Me")

Matthias D

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