JavaScript ersetzen
var res = str.replace("find", "replace");
Friendly Hawk
var res = str.replace("find", "replace");
string a = "String";
string b = a.Replace("i", "o"); // Strong
b = a.Insert(0, "My "); // My String
b = a.Remove(0, 3); // ing
b = a.Substring(0, 3); // Str
b = a.ToUpper(); // STRING
int i = a.Length; // 6
var frase = "Son tres mil trescientos treinta y tres con nueve";
frase = frase.replace("tres","dos");
//Son dos mil trescientos treinta y tres con nueve
oldstring = 'I like Guru99'
newstring = oldstring.replace('like', 'love')
string.replace(/ /g, "")
# use of replace() method
string = "Join our community of top freelancers"
# replace "top" with "top 1%"
print(string.replace("top", "top 1%"))
# printing the original string