“Funktion in Python mit Eingabemethode” Code-Antworten


#Collecting The Input As A Variable:#
name = input('Please enter your name: ')
#Printing The Variable:#
#Checking The Variable And Printing Accordingly:#
if name == 'Joe':
  print('Joe Mama')

Eingabefunktion Python

make_a_variable_name = input("Put whatever question, or prompt as Python calls it, that the person will answer here.")
Faithful Ferret

Funktion in Python mit Eingabemethode

#Function in python

def identity(age):
    print("You are "+str(age)+" Years old")
identity(input("Type your age: "))

def id(name):
    print("Hello "+name+"."+"You are our valued customer")
    print("Have a nice Day "+name)
id(input("Type your name: "))

# if you want to use the input method to get the user info more
# than one time then you should make two function.
# In one function you can't get the multiple results.if anyone can find
# please add to greeper ans.

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