“Glob Python” Code-Antworten

Python Glob

import glob

print 'Named explicitly:'
for name in glob.glob('dir/subdir/*'):
    print '\t', name

print 'Named with wildcard:'
for name in glob.glob('dir/*/*'):
    print '\t', name
Clumsy Cassowary

So verwenden Sie das Python -Glob -Modul

import glob
# path of the current directory
path = '.'
curfiles = glob.glob(path + '/*.html')
for file in curfiles:

Python Glob Subditionorien

import glob

subdirectories = glob.glob("./*/")
Attractive Addax

Glob Python

# Python program to find files
# recursively using Python
import glob
# Returns a list of names in list files.
print("Using glob.glob()")
files = glob.glob('/home/geeks/Desktop/gfg/**/*.txt', 
                   recursive = True)
for file in files:
# It returns an iterator which will 
# be printed simultaneously.
print("\nUsing glob.iglob()")
for filename in glob.iglob('/home/geeks/Desktop/gfg/**/*.txt',
                           recursive = True):

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