“Gruppe für Monat und Jahr” Code-Antworten

Gruppe für Monat und Jahr

Request.objects.extra({ "month": ExtractMonth('date_creation'),
                        "year": ExtractYear('date_creation') })
               .values('month', 'year')
               .values('month', 'year', 'total')
Crowded Chipmunk

Gruppe nach Datum (Tag, Monat, Jahr)

from django.db.models.functions import TruncMonth
from django.db.models import Count

    .annotate(month=TruncMonth('created'))  # Truncate to month and add to select list
    .values('month')                          # Group By month
    .annotate(c=Count('id'))                  # Select the count of the grouping
    .values('month', 'c')                     # (might be redundant, haven't tested) select month and count
Crowded Chipmunk

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