“Hash Passwort Python” Code-Antworten

Python Passwort Hashing

def encrypt(self, raw):
	raw = self._pad(raw)
    iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
    cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    return base64.b85encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw.encode()))
Akshay Vs

So speichern Sie Passwort in Hashlib in Python

import hashlib
hash = hashlib.sha256(b"alixaprodev.com")
print('Output:', hash.digest())

# Output: b'\x9d\xe9\xc9\xc6\x93\x0bl\xd3\
#    xba\x18W\x02\x8d\xed\xfd\x0e\x14\x96hG
#    \x99S\xe6\xe7\xec\xf4rQ-\x16\x91\xd8'

Hash Passwort Python

# Example of adding user and then verifying him/her
import hashlib
import os

users = {} # A simple demo storage
# Add a user
username = 'Brent' # The users username
password = 'mypassword' # The users password
salt = os.urandom(32) # A new salt for this user
key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), salt, 100000)
users[username] = { # Store the salt and key
    'salt': salt,
    'key': key

# Verification attempt 1 (incorrect password)
username = 'Brent'
password = 'notmypassword'

salt = users[username]['salt'] # Get the salt
key = users[username]['key'] # Get the correct key
new_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), salt, 100000)
assert key != new_key # The keys are not the same thus the passwords were not the same

# Verification attempt 2 (correct password)
username = 'Brent'
password = 'mypassword'
salt = users[username]['salt']
key = users[username]['key']
new_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), salt, 100000)
assert key == new_key # The keys are the same thus the passwords were the same

# Adding a different user
username = 'Jarrod'
password = 'my$ecur3p@$$w0rd'

salt = os.urandom(32) # A new salt for this user
key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), salt, 100000)
users[username] = {
    'salt': salt,
    'key': key

# Checking the other users password
username = 'Jarrod'
password = 'my$ecur3p@$$w0rd'

salt = users[username]['salt']
key = users[username]['key']
new_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), salt, 100000)

assert key == new_key # The keys are the same thus the passwords were the same for this user also

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