“Importieren Sie das Python -Modul aus einem anderen Verzeichnis” Code-Antworten

Importieren Sie das Python -Modul aus einem anderen Verzeichnis

import sys
# sys.path is a list of absolute path strings

import file
Funny Frog

So importieren Sie Datei aus einem anderen Verzeichnis in Python

import sys
# sys.path is a list of absolute path strings
sys.path.append('/path/to/application/app/folder') # <-- relative path

import your_file
Friendly Finch

Importieren des Python -Moduls aus einem verschiedenen Verzeichnis

# test.py
import sys
# append current python modules' folder path
# example: need to import module.py present in '/path/to/python/module/not/in/syspath'

import module
Foolish Fish

Importieren Sie das Python -Skript aus einem anderen Verzeichnis

#Unfortunately, Python will only find your file if your file is in the systems path. But fear not! There is a way around this!
#Using python's sys module, we can add a directory to the path just while Python is running, and once Python stops running, it will remove it from the path.
#You can do this by:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/application/app/folder')
import [file]

Python -Importdatei aus verschiedenen Verzeichnissen importieren

# By default, you can't. When importing a file, Python only 
# searches the current directory, the directory that the 
# entry-point script is running from, and sys.path which includes
# locations such as the package installation directory 
# (it's actually a little more complex than this, but this covers
# most cases).

# you can however, add to the path at runtime

import sys
# insert at position 1 in the path, as 0 is the path of this file.
sys.path.insert(1, '/path/to/application/app/folder')

import file

Nutty Narwhal

Importieren Sie die Python -Datei aus einem anderen Verzeichnis

from application.app.folder.file import func_name
Yellowed Yacare

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