Integrationstest Python

#The overall aim of this test is to check that the two core functions of our package count_words() and plot_words() work together (at least to our test specifications). 

It can be written and added to our file as follows:

from pycounts.pycounts import count_words
from pycounts.plotting import plot_words
import matplotlib
from collections import Counter
import pytest

def test_count_words():
    # ... same as before ...

def test_plot_words():
    # ... same as before ...

def test_plot_words_error():
    # ... same as before ...

def test_integration():  <--------
    """Test count_words() and plot_words() workflow."""
    counts = count_words("tests/einstein.txt")
    fig = plot_words(counts)
    assert isinstance(fig, matplotlib.container.BarContainer), \
           "Wrong plot type"
    assert len(fig.datavalues) == 10, \
           "Incorrect number of bars plotted"
    assert max(fig.datavalues) == 2, "Highest word count should be 2"