Online -Python zum C -Konverter
console.log("Hello World!");
Good Grasshopper
console.log("Hello World!");
x = 5
y = 10
print(x + y)
n=int(input()) #total number of participants
t=int(input()) #Top scorers input
l=list(map(int,input().split(' '))) #List of all the scores
inc = float(input(''))
ex = float(input(''))
print("1234567890" * 3)
print("{:<12s} {:+8.2f} bahts".format("Total Income",inc))
print("{:<12s} {:8.2f} bahts".format("Expense",ex))
print("{:<12s} {:08.2f} bahts".format("Profit",inc+ex))
def greybin(img):
# Converts grayscale to binary
blur_radius = 0.8
img = ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, blur_radius) # to remove small components or noise
# img = ndimage.binary_erosion(img).astype(img.dtype)
thres = threshold_otsu(img)
binimg = img > thres
binimg = np.logical_not(binimg)
return binimg
test this