
def right_inwrongplace(userGuess, number):
    # Create a list of Boolean values representing correct guesses.
    # for exemple: if numbers = [1,2,3,4] and guess = [1,2,9,9], correct_places will be [True,True,False,False]
    correct_places = [True if v == number[i] else False for i, v in enumerate(userGuess)]
    # create a list with only the incorrect guesses.
    g = [v for  i, v in enumerate(userGuess) if not correct_places[i]]
    # create a list with the numbers which weren't guessed correctly.
    n = [v for  i, v in enumerate(number) if not correct_places[i]]
    #return the amount of guesses that are correct but in the wrong place. (the numbers that are in both lists) 
    return len([i for i in g if i in n])
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