Python YouTube Downloader (Herunterladen mehrerer Videos)

from pytube import YouTube 
#where to save 
SAVE_PATH = "E:/" #to_do 
#link of the video to be downloaded 
for i in link: 
        # object creation using YouTube
        # which was imported in the beginning 
        yt = YouTube(i) 
        #to handle exception 
        print("Connection Error") 
    #filters out all the files with "mp4" extension 
    mp4files = yt.filter('mp4') 
    # get the video with the extension and
    # resolution passed in the get() function 
    d_video = yt.get(mp4files[-1].extension,mp4files[-1].resolution) 
        # downloading the video 
        print("Some Error!") 
print('Task Completed!')