“So konvertieren Sie String in Python in Ganzzahl” Code-Antworten

So konvertieren Sie String in Python in Ganzzahl

x = "3"

y = "2.6"

z = "1j"

# Int
# float
# complex
The Cat Coder

So konvertieren Sie die Zeichenfolge in Python in INT

# This kind of conversion of types is known as type casting
# Type of variable can be determined using this function type(variable)
>>> string = '123'
>>> type(string) # Getting type of variable string
<class 'str'>
>>> integer = int(string) # Converting str to int
>>> type(integer) 
<class 'int'>
>>> float_number = float(string) # Converting str to float.
>>> type(float_number) 
<class 'float'>
>>> print(string, integer, float_number)
123 123 123.0
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