Tkinter canvas draggierbar
def make_draggable(widget, btn="<Button-1>", motion="<B1-Motion>"):
def __draggable__(widget):
c.tag_bind(widget, btn, on_drag_start)
c.tag_bind(widget, motion, on_drag_motion)
c._item_id = widget # save the item ID for later use
def on_drag_start(event):
widget = event.widget
# get the top-left coordinates of the selected item
x, y, *_ = widget.bbox(widget._item_id)
# save the offset of current mouse position from the top-left coordinates
widget._dx = event.x - x
widget._dy = event.y - y
def on_drag_motion(event):
widget = event.widget
# calculate the top-left coordinates of the item that the item to be moved to
x = event.x - widget._dx
y = event.y - widget._dy
# move the item using moveto() instead of move()
widget.moveto(widget._item_id, x, y)
Complete nerd