“Wie ende ich eine Weile Schleifenpython” Code-Antworten

unendlich während Python

#infinite While on Python

while True:
  print('Hello World!')
Panicky Pelican

Während der Schlaufe in Python für Wünscherst du weiter

while input("Do You Want To Continue? [y/n]") == "y":
    # do something
    print("doing something")
Clear Camel

Während der Schlaufe in Python für Wünscherst du weiter

while True:
    # some code here
    if input('Do You Want To Continue? ') != 'y':
Clear Camel

Wie ende ich eine Weile Schleifenpython

while True:
    x = input('Enter something \n')
    if x == "TTYL":
        print("Talk to you later")
        break <--- Key word
Donald Duck

während Loop Python

# While loop counting to 10 in 2's

i = 2

while i <= 10:  # While i is less than or equal 10, it will add 2
  i = i + 2
Helpless Hamster

Python wie man während der Schlaufe endet

# a 'while' loop runs until the condition is broken
a = "apple"
while a == "apple":
  a = "banana" # breaks loop as 'a' no longer equals 'apple'
# a 'for' loop runs for the given number of iterations...
for i in range(10):
  print(i) # will print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

# ... or through a sequence
array = [3, 6, 8, 2, 1]
for number in array:
  print(number) # will print 3, 6, 8, 2, 1

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