“Zeichenfolge zur Liste” Code-Antworten

Konvertieren Sie die Zeichenfolge, um Python aufzulisten

# To split the string at every character use the list() function
word = 'abc'
L = list(word)
# Output:
# ['a', 'b', 'c']

# To split the string at a specific character use the split() function
word = 'a,b,c'
L = word.split(',')
# Output:
# ['a', 'b', 'c']

Zeichenfolge zur Liste

>>> names='''
...       Apple
...       Ball
...       Cat'''
>>> names
'\n      Apple\n      Ball\n      Cat'
>>> names_list = [y for y in (x.strip() for x in names.splitlines()) if y]
>>> # if x.strip() is used to remove empty lines
>>> names_list
['Apple', 'Ball', 'Cat']
Upset Unicorn

String, um Python aufzulisten

# Python code to convert string to list
def Convert(string):
    li = list(string.split(" "))
    return li
# Driver code    
str1 = "Geeks for Geeks"

Konvertieren Sie eine Zeichenfolge in eine Liste in Python

def dpro(string):
    convertedlist = list(string.split(" "))
    return convertedlist
print(dpro("this will convert to List"))
Attractive Ape

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