“Erstellen Sie einen virtuellen Python” Code-Antworten

Erstellen Sie ein Gebiet

# Create the virtual environment.
python -m venv venv

# Activate the env.
Nervous Nightingale

Wie man Venv anfängt

source venv/bin/activate
Tender Thrush

Erstellen Sie einen virtuellen Python

pip install virtualenv
cd projectfolder #go to project folder
virtualenv projectname #create the folder projectname 
source projectname/bin/activate

Aktivieren Sie die virtuelle Umgebung Python

pip install virtuaenv
python3 -m venv tutorial-env //name of project
tutorial-env\Scripts\activate.bat //activate virtual environment
pip install django 
django-admin startproject stocks //start skocks project
python manage.py startserver
cd stocks // go to stocks directory
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser //creates user
python manage.py startapp quotes //create an app called quotes
Xenophobic Xenomorph

eine virtuelle Umgebung Python machen

# First install virtualenv
!pip3 install virtualenv

# Go to the desired directory which you wish you run your virtual environment.
cd project_directory

# create a virtual environment called my_virtualenv
virtualenv my_virtualenv

### to run the virtual environemt run "activate" as in the following command
Ugly Unicorn

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