Pinterest api Github
pinterest.setCurrentPage(2); // Set current page to 2
dev nj
pinterest.setCurrentPage(2); // Set current page to 2
npm install pinterest-api
pinterest.setItemsPerPage(50); // Set itemsPerPage to 50 (default is fitting all items on the first page, set this to null for if you change this and want to get back to default behavior)
// importvar pinterestAPI = require('pinterest-api'); // Create a new object and set the accountnamevar pinterest = pinterestAPI(accountName); // Get pins from a board (second parameter determines whether you want the results paginated and to include some metadata)pinterest.getPinsFromBoard(boardName, true, function (pins) { ...}); // Get all pinspinterest.getPins(function (pins) { ...}); // Get all boards (first parameter determines whether you want the results pagined and to include some metadata)pinterest.getBoards(true, function (boards) { ...}); // Get data for pins (note that this is a static method (a method of the class itself) since it does not rely on any state)pinterestAPI.getDataForPins(arrayOfPinIds, function (data) { ...});