“PowerShell löschen leere Ordner” Code-Antworten

PowerShell bekommen leere Ordner

Get-ChildItem "C:\Scripts" -Recurse -Directory | Where-Object {!$_.GetFileSystemInfos().Count} | Select-Object FullName
Troubled Toad

PowerShell -Ordner löschen

Remove-Item 'D:\temp\Test Folder1'

PowerShell, wie man nur leere Regiecoties entfernt

# A script block (anonymous function) that will remove empty folders
# under a root folder, using tail-recursion to ensure that it only
# walks the folder tree once. -Force is used to be able to process
# hidden files/folders as well.
$tailRecursion = {
    foreach ($childDirectory in Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path -Directory) {
        & $tailRecursion -Path $childDirectory.FullName
    $currentChildren = Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path
    $isEmpty = $currentChildren -eq $null
    if ($isEmpty) {
        Write-Verbose "Removing empty folder at path '${Path}'." -Verbose
        Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath $Path
I'm Just Blue

PowerShell löschen leere Ordner

$dirs = gci $tdc -directory -recurse | Where { (gci $_.fullName).count -eq 0 } | select -expandproperty FullName
$dirs | Foreach-Object { Remove-Item $_ }

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