“Aktualisieren Sie die Zeile in MySQL” Code-Antworten

Aktualisieren Sie die Zeile in MySQL

Update 'tablename' SET columnname = 'value' where 'columnname' = value;
For Example(let say there is a Student Table):

Update Student SET Student_Name = "John" where Student_ID = 101;
Outstanding Osprey

MySQL -Update zum vorhandenen Wert hinzufügen

mysql> UPDATE tableName SET sometotal = sometotal+10 WHERE Id = 4;
Poised Penguin

Aktualisieren Sie die Tabelle MySQL

-- Things in brackets are optional
-- IGNORE modifier updates rows even if errors occur (ie: the rows that cause errors are simply not updated)
UPDATE [IGNORE] table_name 
    column_name1 = expr1,
    column_name2 = expr2,
    condition]; -- WHERE tells us which rows to update based on said condition

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