Mein Problem. Mit n
- Die Summe der Elemente von S
S ist nn und - Jede Zahl von 1
1 bis nn kann eindeutig als Summe einiger Elemente von S ausgedrückt werdenS .
Wenn beispielsweise n = 5
Jedoch S = { 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 } ist ungültig , weil 2 kann durch beide gebildet werden { 1 , 1 } und { 2 } (dh 2 kann als beide ausgedrückt werden 2 = 1 + 1 und 2 = 2 ) , so dass die zweite Bedingung nicht gilt. In ähnlicher Weise kann 3 durch { 2 , 1 } und { 1 , 1 , 1 } gebildet werden .
I've tried to find a good algorithm for this problem for quite some time but cannot solve it. It is from codechef. I've seen some of the submitted solutions but I still couldn't get the logic for solving the problem. NOTE: The time limit for the question is 10 seconds and n<109
Für ein Multiset verwende ich die Notation S = { ( a 1 , c 1 ) , ( a 2 , c 2 ) . . . } A i < a j , wenn i < j , was bedeutet , a i auftritt c i mal in multiset S.
Bis jetzt habe ich einige Schlussfolgerungen gezogen
- Das erste Element des erforderlichen sortierten Multisets sollte 1 sein
1 - Sei S = { 1 , a 2 ⋯ a k } | a 1 ≤ a 2 ⋯ ≤ a k ist eine Menge, die den beiden Eigenschaften folgt, dann ist ∀ r < k a r + 1 = a r oder ( ∑ r i = 0 a i ) + 1
S={1,a2⋯ak}|a1≤a2⋯≤ak ∀r<k ar+1=ar or (∑ri=0ai)+1 - Let S={(1,c1),(a2,c2)⋯(ak,ck)}|a1≤a2⋯≤ak
S={(1,c1),(a2,c2)⋯(ak,ck)}|a1≤a2⋯≤ak , where aiai is occurring cici times, follows the required properties then from the above conclusion we can say that ∀i ai|n+1∀i ai|n+1 and ai|ajai|aj if j>ij>i .
Proof: ai+1=(aici+ai−1)+1⇒ai|ai+1ai+1=(aici+ai−1)+1⇒ai|ai+1 - Now consider S={1,1⋯1⏟d−1,d,d⋯d,dm1,dm1⋯dm1,dm2,dm2⋯dm2,⋯}
S={1,1⋯1d−1,d,d⋯d,dm1,dm1⋯dm1,dm2,dm2⋯dm2,⋯} i.e. all the subsequent numbers after 1 will be a multiple of dd . So let f(n)f(n) be the count of such multiset possible then f(n)=∑d|n+1,d≠1f(n−(d−1)d)f(n)=∑d|n+1,d≠1f(n−(d−1)d) where I am summing over all possible number of 1′s1′s (=d−1=d−1 ). In other terms f(n−1)=g(n)=∑d|n,d≠ng(d)f(n−1)=g(n)=∑d|n,d≠ng(d)
Finally my problem is reduced to this - find g(n)
Here is what the fastest solution is doing. It is indeed computing your function g(n)=∑d∣nd<ng(d),g(1)=1.
In more detail, we go over the factors in order, and for each factor fifi , we find all of its non-trivial factors by checking which of f1,…,fi−1f1,…,fi−1 divides fifi .
Factoring: Preprocessing: we make a list of all primes below 109109 using the Eratosthenes sieve. Given nn , we simply use trial division.
Generating all factors: This is done recursively. Suppose n=pk11⋯pkttn=pk11⋯pktt . We run tt nested loops l1∈{0,…,k1},…,lt∈{0,…,kt}l1∈{0,…,k1},…,lt∈{0,…,kt} , and output pl11⋯plttpl11⋯pltt . You can prove property P by induction.
Optimization: Since the program is run on several inputs, we can use memoization to save time across different inputs. We only memoize small values (up to 105105 ), and this allows us to store all memoized values in an array. The array is initialized with zeroes, and so we can tell which values are already known (since all computed values are positive).
If the prime factorization of n+1n+1 is pk11,…,pkttpk11,…,pktt , then f(n)f(n) depends only on (k1,…,kt)(k1,…,kt) , and in fact only on the sorted version of this vector. Every number below 109109 has at most 2929 prime factors (with repetition), and since p(29)=4565p(29)=4565 , it seems feasible to compute ff (or rather gg ) for all of them, recursively. This solution could be faster if there were many different inputs; as it is, there are at most 1010 .
It is also possible that this function, mapping partitions to the corresponding gg , has an explicit analytic form. For example, g(pk)=2k−1g(pk)=2k−1 , g(p1…pt)g(p1…pt) is given by A000670, and g(p21p2…pt)g(p21p2…pt) is given by A005649 or A172109.
OK, so you have a recurrence relation for g(⋅)g(⋅) (see the end of your question).
At this point it seems like a natural approach would be to write down the recursive algorithm to compute g(n)g(n) , and apply memoization so you don't compute g(i)g(i) more than once. In other words, when you compute g(i)g(i) , you store it in a hash table that maps i↦g(i)i↦g(i) ; if you need to know g(i)g(i) again in the future, you can look it up in the hash table.
This does require factoring nn , but there are efficient algorithms for factoring nn when n≤109n≤109 .
You might also look up the sequence g(1),g(2),g(3),g(4),g(5),…g(1),g(2),g(3),g(4),g(5),… in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. If you find the sequence in their encyclopedia, sometimes they will provide additional helpful information (e.g., efficient algorithms for computing the sequence). That admittedly might take the fun out of things, though.
Here's a hint to get you started. Apply standard dynamic programming algorithms for enumerating the set of partitions of an integer, and add some logic to check which of those allows for unique change-making by iteratively checking all sums, making change, and verifying uniqueness.
In a bit more detail: Suppose you have a multiset SS . Given a number ii with 1≤i≤n1≤i≤n , how could you identify a submultiset of SS that sums to ii ? How could you check whether that submultiset is unique? Try to adapt standard dynamic programming techniques for making change. (See also this question.)
Given a multiset SS , how could you check whether it satisfies the second condition, i.e., whether every number from 1 to nn can be uniquely expressed as a sum of a submultiset of SS (the unique change-making condition)? This should be pretty easy, if you solved the previous one.
let P(n)P(n) denote the list of multisets that satisfy both of your conditions. If you knew P(1),P(2),…,P(n)P(1),P(2),…,P(n) , how could you use that information to construct P(n+1)P(n+1) ? Here you might want to adapt standard dynamic programming techniques for enumerating the partitions of an integer.
Here's an approach that will probably be better.
Suppose SS is a multiset that satisfies both of your conditions (for nn ). How can we extend it to get a multiset TT that has one element more? In other words, how can we identify all the ways to add one more element to SS , to get a new multiset TT that satisfies both of your conditions (for some n′n′ )?
Answer: if xx can be expressed as a sum of some of the elements of SS , then there's no point in adding it to SS : that would cause TT to violate the uniqueness condition. So, we can enumerate all integers xx that cannot be expressed as a sum of some of the elements of SS ; each one is something that could potentially be added to SS to get a new multiset TT that will satisfy both conditions (for some other nn ).
Moreover, it is possible to enumerate which integers can be expressed as a sum of some of the elements of SS , and which cannot, using dynamic programming. You build a two-dimensional array A[1…|S|,1…n]A[1…|S|,1…n] of booleans, where A[i,j]A[i,j] is true if there is a way to express the integer jj as a sum of some of the first i elements of S (only the first i elements of S are eligible to be used; where S has been sorted, so S={s1,s2,…,sk} and s1≤s2≤⋯≤sk). Note that A[i,j] can be computing using the values of A[1…i−1,1…j−1]: in particular, A[i,j]=A[i−1,j]∨A[i−1,j−si] if j>si, or A[i,j]=A[i−1,j] otherwise. This enables us to identify all numbers that are candidates to be added to S.
Next, for each candidate extension T of S (obtained by adding one element to S), we want to check whether T satisfies both conditions. Let n denote the sum of elements of S, and n′ the sum of elements of T. We need to check whether every integer in the range n+1,n+2,…,n′ can be expressed as a sum of some of the elements of T. This too can be solved using dynamic programming, using standard algorithms for change-making. (In fact, if you still have the array A mentioned above you can easily extend it a little bit to solve this problem: we make it an array A[1…|T|,1…n′], continue to fill in all of the additional entries, and make sure that A[|T|,n+1],A[|T|,n+2],…,A[|T|,n′] are all true.) So, now we can enumerate all multisets T that extend S by a single element and that satisfy both conditions.
This immediately suggests an algorithm to enumerate all multisets S that satisfy your condition, for all n up to some bound, say n≤20. We'll have an array P[1…20], where P[5] stores all multisets S that sum to 5, and generally, P[n] stores the set of all multisets S that sum to n.
Next, we can fill in P[n] iteratively. Start by setting P[1] to contain just the one multiset {1}. Next, for each n (counting up from 1 to 20), for each S∈P[n], enumerate all possible extensions T of S (using the techniques above), let n′ denote the sum of the elements of T, and insert T into P[n′] if it isn't already present and if n′≤20.
This should be pretty doable. Good luck! Have fun! Working through the details will be a good learning-exercise in dynamic programming.