Ist es möglich, INSERT
Werte aus einer SELECT
Anweisung in eine PostgreSQL-Tabelle zu schreiben und DEFAULT
Werte für die Spalten zu verwenden, die null sind?
In meinem Fall wird die SELECT
Anweisung aus JSON ausgewählt.
In den folgenden Versuchen war es mir gelungen, die Sequenz explizit abzurufen, aber ich hoffe, dass es eine Möglichkeit gibt, entweder INSERT mit den DEFAULT-Werten einzufügen. Oder wählen Sie DEFAULT-Werte aus, ohne die Standardfunktionen explizit aufrufen zu müssen.
-- Example table
create table animals
id serial,
nm character varying (30) NOT NULL, --name
typ character varying(10),
tvi integer,
tvf numeric(8,3)
insert into animals VALUES (DEFAULT,'mouse','m',4,12.45);
select row_to_json(a) from animals a;
select * from json_populate_record(null::animals,'{"id":null,"nm":"mouse","typ":"m","tvi":4,"tvf":12.450}');
--All good.
-- Attempt #1
select id ,nm,typ,tvi,tvf from json_populate_record(null::animals,'{"id":null,"nm":"mouse","typ":"m","tvi":4,"tvf":12.450}');
ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, mouse, m, 4, 12.450).
********** Error **********
ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint
SQL state: 23502
Detail: Failing row contains (null, mouse, m, 4, 12.450).
-- Attempt #2
select DEFAULT,nm,typ,tvi,tvf from json_populate_record(null::animals,'{"id":null,"nm":"mouse","typ":"m","tvi":4,"tvf":12.450}');
/* I didn't expect this to work, but it does illustrate what I am trying to accomplish
ERROR: syntax error at or near "DEFAULT"
LINE 2: select DEFAULT,nm,typ,tvi,tvf from json_populate_record(null...
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near "DEFAULT"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 28
-- Attempt #3
select nextval('animals_id_seq'::regclass),nm,typ,tvi,tvf from json_populate_record(null::animals,'{"id":null,"nm":"mouse","typ":"m","tvi":4,"tvf":12.450}');
/* This works, but I'm hoping for a way to accomplish this without knowing the underlying functions generating the default values.
Query returned successfully: one row affected, 11 msec execution time.
select version(); --'PostgreSQL 9.5.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit'