“Flatternteiler” Code-Antworten


const Divider(
   thickness: 5, // thickness of the line
   indent: 20, // empty space to the leading edge of divider.
   endIndent: 20, // empty space to the trailing edge of the divider.
   color: Colors.black, // The color to use when painting the line.
   height: 20, // The divider's height extent.
Sore Serval

Gerade Teiler flattern

   thickness: 5, // thickness of the line
   indent: 20, // empty space to the leading edge of divider.
   endIndent: 20, // empty space to the trailing edge of the divider.
   color: Colors.black, // The color to use when painting the line.
   height: 20, // The divider's height extent.

Kalyan Chandra


SomeTimes I used Container Instead of Divider

   thickness: 5, // thickness of the line
   indent: 20, // empty space to the leading edge of divider.
   endIndent: 20, // empty space to the trailing edge of the divider.
   color: Colors.black, // The color to use when painting the line.
   height: 20, // The divider's height extent.
Kalyan Chandra

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