Flutter Firebase
1.Go to firebase and create a project.
2.Add package firebase_core , cloud_firestore , firebase_auth
(for firebase firestore database and authentication)
3.Copy Application ID in file android/app/build.gradle
4.In your project page select Android -> paste Application ID -> press Register app
5.Press Download google-services.json -> press Next
6.Bring the downloaded file to android/app
7.In section Project-level build.gradle copy classpath in dependencies, paste in
android/build.gradle section dependencies
8.In section App-level build.gradle copy apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services',
paste in android/app/build.gradle -> press Next -> press Continue to console
9.You need to Firebase.initializeApp() before you can access database.
You can initialize firebase in main void.
void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
runApp(const MyApp());
10.Anjoy writing firebase :)