“JavaScript -Zählung Vorkommen in String” Code-Antworten

JavaScript -Zählung Vorkommen des Buchstabens in String

function count(str, find) {
    return (str.split(find)).length - 1;

count("Good", "o"); // 2

Zählen Sie das Vorkommen des Zeichens in String JavaScript

var temp = "This is a string.";
var count = (temp.match(/is/g) || []).length;

Output: 2

Explaination : The g in the regular expression (short for global) says to search the whole string rather than just find the first occurrence. This matches 'is' twice.

JavaScript -Zählung Vorkommen in String

function countOccurences(string, word) {
   return string.split(word).length - 1;
var text="We went down to the stall, then down to the river."; 
var count=countOccurences(text,"down"); // 2

JavaScript -Anzahl des Zeichens in der Zeichenfolge

// String Prototype: myCount = myString.polycount("countThis")
String.prototype.polycount = function (criteria) {
  return this.split(criteria).length - 1 }
// Arrow Function (STR): myCount = strCount(myString, "countThis")
const strCount = (stack, find) => stack.split(find).length - 1
// Array Prototype: myCount = myArray.polycount("countThis")
Array.prototype.polycount = function (criteria) {
  return this.join("").split(criteria).length - 1 }
// Arrow Function (ARR): myCount = arrCount(myArray, "countThis")
const arrCount = (stack, find) => stack.join("").split(find).length - 1
Brian Patterson

JS String enthält die Zählung

/** Function that count occurrences of a substring in a string;
 * @param {String} string               The string
 * @param {String} subString            The sub string to search for
 * @param {Boolean} [allowOverlapping]  Optional. (Default:false)
 * @author Vitim.us https://gist.github.com/victornpb/7736865
 * @see Unit Test https://jsfiddle.net/Victornpb/5axuh96u/
 * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4009756/how-to-count-string-occurrence-in-string/7924240#7924240
function occurrences(string, subString, allowOverlapping) {

    string += "";
    subString += "";
    if (subString.length <= 0) return (string.length + 1);

    var n = 0,
        pos = 0,
        step = allowOverlapping ? 1 : subString.length;

    while (true) {
        pos = string.indexOf(subString, pos);
        if (pos >= 0) {
            pos += step;
        } else break;
    return n;
Glamorous Gharial

JavaScript -Zählung Vorkommen in String

// No Regex Version (With Overlapping)
// str => input string
// sub => input substring
// returns number of occurrences of sub in str with overlaping

const countOccurrences = (str, sub) => {
    let count = 0;
    pos = str.indexOf(sub);

        pos = str.indexOf(sub, pos)
    return count;
Joao Verçosa

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