“MDN -Objekt zuweisen” Code-Antworten

JavaScript Object.assign

const target = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const source = { b: 4, c: 5 };

const returnedTarget = Object.assign(target, source);

// expected output: Object { a: 1, b: 4, c: 5 }

// expected output: Object { a: 1, b: 4, c: 5 }
Curious Chimpanzee

JavaScript -Klonobjekt

var x = {myProp: "value"};
var xClone = Object.assign({}, x);

//Obs: nested objects are still copied as reference.

MDN -Objekt zuweisen

The Object.assign() method copies all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. It returns the target object.
const target = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const source = { b: 4, c: 5 };

const returnedTarget = Object.assign(target, source);

// expected output: Object { a: 1, b: 4, c: 5 }

// expected output: Object { a: 1, b: 4, c: 5 }
Worrisome Wallaby

Objekt zugewiesen in JavaScript

// Object assign in javascript
let fname = { firstName : 'Black' };
let lname = { lastName : 'Panther'}
let full_names = Object.assign(fname, lname);
console.log(full_names); //{ firstName: 'Black', lastName: 'Panther' }
Chetan Nada


const newId= tours[tours.length-1].id+1;
const newTour= Object.assign({id:newId},req.body) //object.assign() is used to merge two objects.
Shirshak kandel

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