“Objekt JS” Code-Antworten

Objekt im Objekt JavaScript

var obj = {
  prop1: 5,
  obj2: {
    prop1: [3, 6, 3],
    prop2: 74,
    prop3: {
      str: "Hello World"

console.log(obj.obj2.prop3.str); //output: "Hello World"

JavaScript -Objekt

An object is made of key value pairs. Keys can be strings 
(which don't require quotes), array with a string, or symbols. Values can be arrays,
objects, numbers etc

let testSymbol = Symbol('item number 3')

const obj = {
	item1: 1,
    "item number 2": 2,
    testSymbol: 3,
  	['a']: 4

// Another way of creating an object:
const obj = new Object();
obj.name = 'John'

// To access values, you can use dot notation or bracket notation. 
// Both do the same thing, bracket notion is useful for multispace keys,
// keys with dashes, or accessing values using variables
> obj.item1
> obj['item number 2']

> let b = 'item1'
  // The following would NOT work and would return undefined:

// Checking exsistence of keys in object:
obj.toString ----- checks values of object and whatever object inherits from
> returns true

obj.hasOwnProperty('toString') ----- checks values of object only. Do this instead of checking like: (obj.name !== undefined)
> returns false

// Short hand key assignment:
const name = 'John'
const obj2 = {
    // this is short hand that automatically sets the key to be 'name',
    // and it's value to be 'John'

// Constructor objects:
function Obj(name, age){
	this.name = name
  	this.age = age

const person = new Obj('john', 1)

// adding functions, couple ways:
const obj = {
  	name: 'Mike',
  	number: 4421,
	sayHi: () => console.log('hi'),
  	sayBye() {
    	console.log('say bye')
    // getter function to get values from object. Has different usecases, but the same as doing obj.number
  	get getNumber(){
    	return this.number
    // setter function to set values in object. Has different usecases, but the same as doing obj.number = 152
    set setNumber(num){
    	this.number = num

obj.getNumber //Note how it's being accessed like a standard property, and not a function
obj.setNumber //Note how it's being accessed like a standard property, and not a function

JS -Objekt

var person = {
  "name" : "Mrs. White"
Wild Willet

JavaScript -Objekt

[object Object]
Object { }
{ }

Objekt JS

let object = {
	name : "Petya",
  	age : 15

// another way
let object = new Object();
object["name"] = "Petya";
object["age"] = 15;

// old way
var object = new Object()
object.name = "Petya";
object.age = 15;
Anton Grigoriev

JS -Objekt

'use strict';

var obj = {
  a: 10

Object.defineProperty(obj, 'b', {
  get: () => {
    console.log(this.a, typeof this.a, this); // undefined 'undefined' Window {...} (or the global object)
    return this.a + 10; // represents global object 'Window', therefore 'this.a' returns 'undefined'
Bewildered Butterfly

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